Make-Up/Accommodation Exams
Proctoring of make-up tests is provided by the UH Hilo Test Center for Hawaiʻi CC and UH Hilo face-to-face classroom teachers. A "Make-up Test" is defined as a test for a student who is/was not present in class on the day the test was given in class.
- To set up a make-up exam for your student(s), please complete and submit the
- Send a PDF of the exam or provide the testing center with appropriate number of exams for each student.
- Special accommodation exams must be approved and determined by UH Hilo Disability Services
- The Make-up Test Request Form should be received by the UH Hilo Test Center 5 (five) days prior to the exam open date, and the exam must be received prior to exam appointment
- All paper exams should be picked up no more then 2 weeks after closing date of exam, unless other arrangements have been approved (i.e. digital copies).
- Make-up/Accommodation Testing Instructions (PDF)
- Students contact instructors to let them know you will be missing an exam or require accommodations
- Instructors send completed form to and let students know they can contact us to schedule exam