Disability Services

Access Services for Veterans

Students and veterans standing in frontArmy Aviation Facility Visit

Being a veteran means returning to civilian life. Sometimes that journey of life transition includes deciding to obtain a college degree. Please consider these questions to determine whether the UH Hilo Disability Services might be appropriate for you.

  • Do you struggle to take notes in class?
  • Are you finding that you are not finishing tests on time?
  • Do you get distracted easily while taking exams?
  • Would it be easier for you if the reading materials were in an audio format, or do you prefer both audio and visual formats?
  • Are you finding that course assignments are becoming more challenging over time?
  • Is it uncomfortable to be in group projects?
  • Do you prefer not to be seen while participating in your online classes?

If you answered yes any of these questions, please contact our office by calling Susan Shirachi or by going to our website for more information on how to apply for services. Each veteran is unique in their life experiences, including their learning style, aptitude, and effort capacity. We will work with you to create a support plan that is unique to your needs. We hope that you will consider Disability Services as part of your support team at UH Hilo.
