UH Hilo Strategic Planning

UH Hilo Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) - 2011-2015 Strategic Plan

The Committee's Charge


By the end of May 2011, to develop a realistic and measurable 2011-2015 Strategic Plan for UH Hilo that reflects the unique aspects of the university within the broader UH System, and to advise on appropriate implementation and monitoring.

Format of the strategic plan document

The resulting strategic plan document should be concise, specific, and clearly set out UH Hilo’s unique identity and strategic goals for the next five years. The document should be short, on the order of five pages in length.

Period of the plan

The plan will cover the period 2011-2015 to bring UH Hilo in line with the UH System strategic planning cycle and match the WASC review cycle. However, in recognition that strategic plans need to remain flexible and responsive, the plan will be revisited for possible revision every few years. As initial development of the plan will be completed by the end of May 2011, the next formal review of the plan will be in 2013.

Plan implementation and monitoring

The strategic plan will be the basis for budget and human resource decisions, including future program change requests, and its performance indicators will be tracked for evidence of progress toward plan goals.

In addition, individual colleges and other units will be asked to develop plans of their own to support and implement the strategic plan (process to be developed).

The strategic plan must be:

  • Aligned with the broader UH System Strategic Plan, objectives, outcome measures, and presidential initiatives (e.g., the Hawaiʻi Graduation Initiative).
  • Realistic within the university’s current and anticipated human resource and budgetary resources.
  • Based on key evidence from internal and external sources (including WASC accreditation evaluations) and an analysis of the university’s current situation, the situation within the broader local and state community, and higher education trends, mandates and best practices.
  • Based on effective consultation with UH Hilo stakeholders – faculty, staff, students, alumni, local community and others, including actively seeking input on the mission and vision of UH Hilo and identified priorities, goals and potential strategies.

Specific instructions

  • By the end of December 2010 and in consultation with UH Hilo stakeholders, review and revise the mission and vision statements of UH Hilo based on evidence from the pre-planning stage, UH System plans and policies, and other relevant information.
  • By the end of January 2011, identify draft strategic goals for UH Hilo through review of the pre-planning evidence, relevant documents or reports (e.g., state/island workforce needs, WASC reports, institutional data) and the UH System strategic plan.
  • By the end of February 2011, consult effectively on the draft strategic goals with internal and external stakeholders to identify any key gaps, and to identify potential actions for meeting the draft goals.
  • By the end of March 2011, review UH Hilo’s current institutional key performance indicators and recommend indicators that would be most appropriate for the university to monitor over the next five years.
  • By the end of April 2011, develop a full draft strategic plan and consult on this draft plan with a broad range of UH Hilo stakeholders.
  • By the end of May 2011, recommend a 2011-2015 strategic plan document for approval by the chancellor, and provide advice to the chancellor on implementing and monitoring the plan.

View the Committee's progress against these specific instructions.

Committee Membership

View an overview of the nominations process for the SPC.

The Chair of the SPC is Kelly Burke (CoBE representative), and Vice-Chair, Marcia Sakai (Executive representative)

  • Maria Haws - College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management (Assistant Professor, Acquaculture)
  • Jackie Johnson - CAS: Humanities (Professor, Performing Arts)
  • Mazen Hamad - CAS: Natural Sciences (Assistant Professor, Chemistry)
  • Errol Yudko - CAS: Social Sciences (Associate Professor, Psychology)
  • Kelly Burke - College of Business and Economics (Professor, Management Information Systems)
  • Karen Pellegrin - College of Pharmacy (Director of Cont/Distance Education and Strategic Planning)
  • Pila Wilson - Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani (Professor, Papahana Mokuna Kalaiʻike)
  • Thora Abarca -(Librarian, Edwin Mookini Library)
  • Kainoa Ariola - (Director, Advising Center)
  • Harry Yada - (Director, Real Property)
  • Jim Cromwell - (Director, Admissions)
  • Marcia Sakai - (Dean, CoBE)
  • Elizabeth Stacy - (Associate Professor, Biology)
  • Gail Makuakane-Lundin - (Executive Coordinator, Student Development Programs)
  • Devaki Drozario (primary student member
  • Tracey Niimi (alternate student member)
  • Barry Mark (Ameriprise Financial Services Inc) (community representative)

In addition, Siân Millard (Strategic Planning Coordinator) acts as secretary and provides staff support to the SPC and is a non-voting member.


Drafting Sub-committee

Following self-nominations from within the SPC's own membership, the Chancellor appointed a five-member drafting sub-committee to lead the committee through development and editing of the plan document. Members of the drafting subcommittee are:

  • Thora Abarca - Jim Cromwell
  • Siân Millard (Chair, non-voting SPC member)
  • Maria Haws - Harry Yada

Meeting Schedule and Papers

The Strategic Planning Committee was committed to transparency in the strategic planning process and as a result posted its meeting agenda's papers and minutes to this website (unless confidential to the committee).

Please note that the views and/or opinions expressed in these meeting papers do not necessarily reflect the official view of UH Hilo.

2010 meetings

  1. November 3rd 2010, 9-11am
  2. November 17th 2010, 8-10am
  3. November 23rd 2010, 9-11am
  4. December 1st 2010, 8-10am
  5. December 7th 2010, 9-11am
  6. December 13th 2010, 2-4pm

2011 meetings

  1. January 5th 2011, 2-4pm
  2. January 12th 2011, 8-10am
  3. January 14th 2011, 8-10am
  4. January 21st 2011, 8-10am
  5. January 31st 2011, 8-10am
  6. February 4th 2011, 8-10am
  7. February 11th 2011, 8-10am
  8. February 18th 2011, 8-10am
  9. February 23rd 2011, 8-10am
  10. March 4th 2011, 8-10am

March 11th 2011, 8-10am - Meeting canceled - campus closure

  1. March 16th 2011, 8-10am
  2. March 18th 2011, 8-10am
  3. March 29th 2011, 8-10am
    • Agenda
    • Minutes
    • SPC 36/11 Minutes of the Eighteenth Meeting
    • SPC 37/11 Amended minutes of the 17th meeting (as above)
    • SPC 38/11 Feedback from Chancellor and VC's on Draft Strategic Plan (confidential to the SPC)
    • SPC 39/11 Draft Strategic Plan Section 1 and 2 (confidential to the SPC)
    • SPC 40/11Expanded Sections 1 and 2 for SPC use (confidential to the SPC)
  4. April 1st 2011, 8-10am
  5. April 8th 2011, 8-10am
  6. April 15th 2011, 8-10am
  7. April 20th 2011, 8-10am
  8. April 27th 2011, 8-10am
  9. May 2nd 2011, 8-10am
  10. May 4th 2011, 8-10am
  11. May 9th 2011, 9-11am
  12. May 13th 2011, 9-11am
  13. May 18th 2011, 8-10am
  14. May 25th 2011, 1-3pm
  15. (Final meeting) May 27th 2011, 1-3pm
    • Agenda
    • Minutes
    • SPC 71/11 Minutes of the Thirtieth Meeting
    • SPC 72/11 Final draft strategic plan for approval - final draft recommended to the Chancellor
    • SPC 73/11 Final draft Overall Progress Indicators for approval (confidential to the SPC and the Chancellor at this stage)
    • SPC 74/11 Final draft Action Progress Indicators for approval (confidential to the SPC and the Chancellor at this stage)
    • SPC 75/11 Final draft Implementation recommendations (confidential to the SPC and the Chancellor at this stage)