Meeting Notes - October 19, 2022
Relationships Committee Meeting: Wednesday, October 19 at 2:00pm
Present: Justina Mattos, Julie Mowrer, David Kurohara, and Kathleen Baumgardner
Meeting purpose: Planning for the future
Wailau update
The idea: The purpose of Wailau is to build connections across campus and with the wider community that go deeper than the roles we hold while honoring our complex, fragile and brave selves. In keeping with the meaning of Wailau, we will showcase five storytellers at each event - a UH faculty member, staff member, student, alum and a community member.
Justina will need help with Wailau set up. Julie mentioned that the Bonner students may be able to both help and attend the event. We will need a screen and projector due to Wendell Ing’s presentation. We will use EventBrite to set up a RSVP form for the event.
One potential storyteller opted out of participating due to the language used - application, apply. We should shift the language to submit your story. So the focus is more on the story than the storyteller.
We discussed the Spring schedule. The date for the live event would need to be strategically positioned to avoid Spring Break, Easter and Merrie Monarch. March 31 might be a fit to consider. The schedule would have to be built out backward to see if it will work.
Wailau action items:
- Justina will check with Tori and Dane about the Instagram account.
- Justina will reach out to Glenn about the library involvement.
Online Recognition System - Mahalo Cards
7.1.1. Strategy 7: Nurture and strengthen campus relationships and campus culture. Action 1: Increase opportunities to express gratitude and celebrate success in large and small ways across campus. Deliverable 1: Communicated the work of campus groups/committees recognizing that the work was meaningful and acknowledging the impact or efforts that came to fruition.
Brennan suggested an analog certificate. The group was thinking that an electronic version that could be printed would be the way to go. They also wondered about a unified look for each certificate/card with a different piece of art or image for each individual category (innovation, collaboration, etc.). Or, perhaps we incorporate “Connecting Learning, Life and Aloha” art.
The Future
Kathleen will be leaving the University. So, what happens to the committee? The group could become a Community Engagement Council through the Center for Community Engagement. Both Doing Committees could also be blended, if there was interest. Julie is interested in this idea and will give it some thought. Kathleen will provide her some additional information.