Research at UH Hilo

Travel Awards

Travel Award Rules

The UH Hilo Research Council has created a program supporting travel for the purpose of presenting research papers and/or the results of other scholarly endeavors at regional, national, or international conferences. The Research Council has limited funding for travel awards and will only support travel by primary UH Hilo authors to meetings sponsored by recognized professional societies or professional institutions. Exceptions can be made, but only when accompanied by a well documented justification signed by the department chair and dean. Since Travel Awards are supported by RTRF funds from grants, applications that have some tie to grant activity will be given priority.

The awards are limited in monetary amount (which is subject to change) and are limited to one award per untenured faculty member per year and one award every other year to tenured faculty and staff. For the purposes of Travel Awards, you are considered tenured as soon as you receive your tenure letter from the administration.

Important Links

Further details may be found by following the links below: