Bivalve Hatchery
The goal of the Bivalve Hatchery is to increase prevalence of shellfish farming in Hawaii.
The Student Workforce Training Program provides students with an opportunity to experience oyster production for research and commercial purposes. The oysters supply farms in Hawaii and on the West Coast.
Interior view of the Bivalve Hatchery.
Hatchery Manager, Scott Dinning holding oyster spat.
Aerial view of PACRC with Bivalve Hatchery highlighted.
- Food Fish Production
- Marine Ornamental Fish Production
- Bivalve Hatchery
- Land-based Oyster Fattening System
- Native Hawaiian Oyster Project
- Ocean Acidification Epigenetic Project
- Live Feeds Production
- Algae Production
- Larval Rearing
- Limu (Seaweed) Project
- Learning Center
- 1/2 Million Gallon Tanks
- Laboratory
- Pump House
- Main Office
- Main Entrance