Algae Production
Microalgae is the primary source of nutrition for oysters, copepods, rotifers, and Artemia. Large-scale production consists of a continuous algae production bag system which produces approximately 4,000 liters per day.
Students gain skills in a laboratory setting learning sterile culture techniques and large-scale culture for production.
- Food Fish Production
- Marine Ornamental Fish Production
- Bivalve Hatchery
- Land-based Oyster Fattening System
- Native Hawaiian Oyster Project
- Ocean Acidification Epigenetic Project
- Live Feeds Production
- Algae Production
- Larval Rearing
- Limu (Seaweed) Project
- Learning Center
- 1/2 Million Gallon Tanks
- Laboratory
- Pump House
- Main Office
- Main Entrance