Professor Christopher D. Lu participated in the Chinese Sheep and Goat Association’s 30th Anniversary Conference and the International Goat Association’s Board of Director’s meeting last August.
By Norman Arancon, Associate Professor of Horticulture.
Professor of Animal Science Christopher Lu was invited to attend the Chinese Sheep and Goat Association Conference held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China in August, 2017. The organization celebrated its 33rd anniversary and recognized individuals who made significant contributions to the association. The conference was well attended by about 800 Chinese and international participants.
Scientific papers pertaining to sheep and goat biotechnology, nutrition, breeding, reproduction, production system, and product processing were presented. The conference concluded with an evening celebration of singers, dancers, magicians, and a range of other entertainers.
The International Goat Association held its Board of Directors meeting in conjunction with the Chinese Conference. Prof. Lu, a member of the Board of Advisors, was invited to attend by President Beth Miller. Strategic planning, membership drive, regional and international conferences, outreach, and scientific journal were on the agenda.
The International Goat Association was founded in 1982 in Tucson, Arizona. Prof. Lu served as a member of the Board of Directors (1991-1996), vice president (1996
-2000, 2000-2004), and president (2004-2008).
This article was originally published in the CAFNRM/Agriculture Club Newsletter Nov – Dec 2017 Issue 2.