PHOTOS: Dean of the College of Ag in Asia

SNAP SHOTS: “A photograph is worth a thousand words.”

This post features Bruce Mathews, dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, during his most recent travel to Asia.

Group pf people standing for photo.
At the Ibajay Campus of Aklan State University with some faculty from the College of Hospitality and Rural Resource Management.

Beach, seashore, some people wading in water, sail boats moored, hills in background.
Boracay, a world class resort area where students from the College of Hospitality and Rural Resource Management at Aklan State University gain experience through internships at the resorts and ecotourism businesses.
Boat traveling in wtare. Blue tarp shading people on the boat. Outriggers on either side of the boat.
Off to the Batan Bay mangrove restoration project managed by the College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the New Washington Campus of Aklan State University.
Large tray of seafood in market--- fish, shellfish, shrimp.
Seafood sales at the College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the New Washington Campus of Aklan State University.
Skyscrapers reflecting in water.
A view from the Harbor Square Bayfront near the Cultural Center of the Philippines in Manila.
Woman in purple head scarf standing in covered greenhouse filled with yellow and white flowers.
Women are leaders in diversifying small farms in Indonesia.
Terraces of crop.
Onion farming on the fertile volcanic soils in the uplands of Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Group photo with background of sloping cliffs into the sea.
With Grenia, Monica (an Indonesian graduate student), Sylvia (the wife of Dr. Ardi), Dr. Ardi (Dean of Agriculture at Andalas University in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia), and Thao Nguyen (a Vietnamese graduate student who is studying weed management options in upland rice farming systems).
Distant view of city with small farm huts in foreground.
The contrast of the indigenous nipa huts of upland farmers with a view of the modern city of Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, Philippines.