Submit to the UH Hilo Twitter Feed

Suggest a tweet for the UH Hilo Twitter feed. Your submission will be considered and posted if deemed useful and/or helpful for the UH Hilo community. Not all submissions will be posted.

Your tweet is limited to 280 characters (including a URL). If you provide a URL, it will be shortened, so limit yourself to 265 characters.

Provide your email address in case we need to contact you about your submission:

Paste a URL associated with the above tweet (it will be shortened before posted):

Add an image associated with the above post:

We must be fully accessible—even with social media posts; if your image has any text in it as part of the message (such as in a flyer), you must include the entirety of the photo’s text in your tweet above in addition to the image.

You appear to be submitting from off-campus. Please answer this simple quiz:
What is forty plus five?

You may also want to submit to the UH Hilo Facebook site.