Ke Kalahea: May 2023
In this Issue
- Editor's Note
- by Lichen Forster | Editor-in-Chief
- Wall Calendar for May
- by Lucky Lemieux | Graphic Designer
- Behind the Scenes: Preparing for Merrie Monarch
- by Paulina Jany | Copy Editor
- UHHSA Decides How Student Fees are Spent, Know Where Your Money is Going
- by Maya-Lin Green | Staff Writer
- Campus Happenings
- by Alexi Jimeno | Photo Editor
- by Teagan Maher | Photographer
- by Alana Dodson | Photographer
- Students Reflect on Hele-On Services
- by Lichen Forster | Editor-in-Chief
- Photos by Alana Dodson | Photographer
- Hiking in Hawaiʻi
- by Stacy Watkins | Graphic Designer
- UH QSeries Sessions Discuss Queerness, Asexuality, and Indigeneity
- by Maya-Lin Green | Staff Writer
- Kanilehua's Very Own Open Mic Night
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave | Staff Writer
- Photos by Teagan Maher | Photographer
- Nontraditional Students: A Snapshot of Unique College Experiences at UHH
- by Maya-Lin Green | Staff Writer
- Photos by Teagan Maher | Photographer
- Pacific Tsunami Museum
- by Kealiʻi Rapozo | Staff Writer
- Photos by Alexi Jimeno | Photo Editor
- Graphic by Stacy Watkins | Graphic Designer
- Cultural Knowledge from the Aloha Friday Concert
- by Paulina Jany | Copy Editor
- Photos by Teagan Maher | Photographer
- Wrapping Up A Year
- by Kealiʻi Rapozo | Staff Writer
- Graphics by Lucky Lemieux | Graphic Designer
- Sports in the Spotlight: Wrap Up!
- by Alexi Jimeno | Photo Editor
- Pacific Perspective Vol. 3
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave | Staff Writer
- Dr. Grant Muāgututiʻa: Revitalizing the Indigenous Samoan Language Through Linguistics Studies
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave | Staff Writer
- Meet the Animals of the UH Hilo Farm Part 2
- by Alana Dodson | Photographer
- Communication is Key
- by Kealiʻi Rapozo | Staff Writer
- Graphics by Stacy Watkins | Graphic Designer
- Mika's Media Review: John Wick: Chapter 4
- by Stacy Watkins | Graphic Designer
- Classifieds
- Freshman Feathers: Summer Break
- by Lucky Lemieux | Graphic Designer
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As the student-run news publication of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, it is our kuleana to provide the campus community with a space to uphold the freedom of press, exchange ideas, and express the voice of the student body. We encourage cohesive writing based on thought-provoking rhet- oric, insights, and experiences, and we welcome all students to submit letters to the editor or commentary pieces. However, opinions expressed in our publication, both print and online, do not reflect those of Ke Kalahea or the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo at-large. Ke Kalahea reserves the right to refuse publishing letters to the editor or commentary pieces that contain libel, threats of violence, defamation, or expletives, and submissions may be edited for clarity or length. Please email letters to the editor to or submit them at