Spring 2021: March Issue
Aloha mai kākou,
We are about halfway through the spring semester already, and we have spring recess coming up! In this issue you can find out about an amazing rental program that the library offers to help students out (teaser for page number), the injury that occurred atop Mauna Kea (teaser for pager number), a new UH Hilo alumni in Hawaiʻi state government (teaser for pager number), and where to go in Hilo (teaser for page number). You’ll also find some inspiration from one of our fellow students in our newly implemented Humans of UH Hilo series. At this time when we are in the doldrums of the spring semester and this COVID-19 pandemic seems to endlessly drag on and drain our psyches, it’s nice to get a little jolt of inspiration from others. If you know of a student who is particularly inspiring, who impresses you with his or her awesome, please take a moment and jot us a note at uhhkk@hawaii.edu.
E Kala Mai! Following are corrections from February Issue: On page 11, student Geneba Revuelta’s name was misspelled as Gevena. Ke Kalahea regrets the error.