Spring 2021: January Issue
Aloha mai kākou,
Welcome incoming students! We are about to start another semester at UH Hilo! Personally, I am super fatigued from the rollercoaster that this past year has brought. However, I’m starting my last semester of my undergraduate program, and I couldn’t be more excited to close this chapter. I hope all of you are finding some peace and overall support in this new year. While we may not be able to socialize around campus like before, we still have plenty going on with students on campus! So, be sure to do what you can to support all of our programs, as some are in serious danger of being cut like our wonderful Performing Arts program.
I also want to let you all know to report that, in the December issue, we shared some incorrect information with you and we need to correct the record. In our article entitled, “ Peering Into the Program Numbers “ (page 19 ) stated that, "There are 52 declared English majors for 2020 and only one is expected to graduate in 2020-2021". Roney notes. "That student will actually graduate in the Summer of 2021." However, Dr. Kirsten Mollegaard, a chair head of the English Department, stated that there are 60 majors, and 7 English majors graduated in Fall 2020. We regret that we did not confirm UH Hilo Long Range Budget Planning Committee data with department heads before publishing our story.
Looking ahead, for the upcoming issue, I would like to interview any and all UH Hilo students who are from the U.S. continent and who are having to be on island, because they are bound by one or two lab courses. If this situation applies to you, I would love to tell your story. Please email uhhkk@hawaii.edu.
Kasumi Collins