Spring 2018: April 2nd Issue 6
Aloha Everyone,
I hope you all had a relaxing and productive spring break! Now it’s back to the grind, with finals looming and the end of the semester right around the corner.
Before you dive into this issue, I have to address the fact that Ke Kalahea incorrectly gave credit to our Photo Editor Elizabeth Lough for the cover photo of our last issue. That photograph was actually taken by UH Hilo student Kevianna Adams. We’re very sorry about the mistake, and want to make sure Kevianna gets the credit she deserves for an amazing shot.
Now, dear reader, we hope you enjoy the issue you have in your hands. It’s a good one, containing tales of student accomplishment, some background on UH Hilo’s annual Relay For Life, an exploration of the different certificate programs offered here on campus, and more.
Nick Carrion
Editor in Chief, Ke Kalahea