Spring 2017: March 13 Issue 5

Letter from the Editor In Chief

Aloha Mai Kakou

Today Ke Kalahea debuts its fifth issue for the semester, our first and only one in March. Ah, March – that time of the year where good Catholic boys like myself have to face the doldrums of Lent, with fun allowed only on special occasions (see: St. Patrick’s Day). Aside from my obligatory Shamrock Shake, however, at least I’ll be able to get a juicy taste of politics - on Wednesday, Mar. 22, I will be co-moderating an UHHSA candidates forum for the upcoming student government elections. If last issue’s feature article got you riled up about the current state of our leadership, be sure to participate in this year’s elections and make your voice heard!

Coupled with the typical grievances of campus politics and schoolwork, all this madness can make for an anxiety-inducing situation. As fate would have it, the unofficial theme for this issue revolves around ‘stress.’ I know, what a wonderful subject. Alas, it’s something I’m sure all of us can relate to at this point in the semester. Being such a broad topic, there are multiple angles from which to approach stress, and how it affects people in different ways depending on their circumstances.

For student athletes, this is certainly a pressing concern. Our assistant editor-in-chief, Aspen, teamed up with our sports writer, Trixie, to speak with a professor on campus conducting a study on Vulcan athletes, discussing the unique physical and mental challenges they face.

Meanwhile, Ke Kalahea welcomes the second installation of Mālama Ola, a series from contributing writer Solomon Singer. In it, Singer provides us tips from Emily Low of UH Hilo’s Counseling Services on dealing with stress and anxiety as a college student.

In fact, this submission spoke to me on a very personal level. Despite my otherwise cheery and self-assured persona, I too have experienced more than a fair amount of stress in recent months. And in confronting the most challenging part of life – death – I felt a calling to voice my own perspective on stress. I say this not as an editor or a student, but as a human being. Like so many others, I’m simply doing what the late artist Prince once described as trying “to get through this thing called life.”

As if life isn’t already zooming by us, don’t forget that our next issue of Ke Kalahea will not debut until April. This is because the next issue would normally be ready in two weeks from today, on Monday, Mar. 27. Instead, that day marks the beginning of a glorious time, summed up by just two words that college students across the country long to hear: Spring Break. For those looking for some ideas on how to enjoy this well-deserved week off, our travel writer Alyssa gives us a scoop on the ins and outs of making the most of your time here in the islands.

Speaking of future plans, in this issue you’ll find some more details on Ke Kalahea’s 2017 Media Symposium – including times, prices, and a few tidbits on some of the many speaker’s we’ll feature at this year’s symposium! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for even more details to follow.

Last but not least, for those who are want to get in contact with me this week, you may be out of luck. That’s because a few members of my staff and I are currently in New York City attending the College Media Association’s spring convention. We are on a fact-finding mission, eager to collaborate with and learn from fellow college news publications about how to improve our efforts to be of service to you, the readers. And with that, I wish you aloha from the frigid hellhole known as Times Square. Not a palm tree or a loco moco in sight… Tsk tsk.

Mahalo Nui,

Brian Wild

In this issue