Spring 2017: January 30th Issue 2
Letter from the Editor In Chief
Aloha Mai Kakou
As Donald Trump concluded his inaugural address after being sworn in as president on January 20, he recited his trademark slogan, “we will make America great again.” To even fathom how unlikely it would have seemed only a year or two ago, having a man like Trump in the White House, is all but mind-numbing. On this topic, News Writer Lexi Smiley gives us a peek into the minds of UH Hilo students, who provide a range of opinions about Mr. Trump.
Like him or not, he is our president. And, like it or not, life still offers us plenty of distractions (and headaches) aside from whatever happens in Washington.
We’ve barely finished January, and already I’ve sensed from many of my peers that a profound sense of malaise has started to kick in. Freshmen may begin to feel overwhelmed, once that new school-smell has worn off. Other students, meanwhile, are trapped between completing gen eds while attempting to build an impressive portfolio for their majors. And some students, like me, nearing the end of their journey – with graduation so close we can almost taste it – are afflicted with a nasty case of senioritis.
For better or for worse, change is a force that must be reckoned with. I know this feeling all too well. After bidding aloha to two of my longtime staff members, I’m excited to say that I’ve heard from multiple students about their interest in applying at Ke Kalahea. Our new Sports Writer, Trixie Croad, has graciously accepted the call to serve her fellow students through journalism. I look forward to watching her growth as a writer and reporter in search of the stories that captivate our Vulcan audience.
Chris Todd, a 28-year-old UH Hilo alumnus, also embodies change. Our News Editor, Nick, recently interviewed Todd to discuss his recent appointment to the Hawaiʻi State Legislature, representing Hilo. Like Trump, Todd was a political newcomer who most did not expect to see reach elected office. Yet today he sits in his Honolulu office, nestled in the Hawaiʻi State Capitol.
For Todd and other local leaders, there is much to be done. Among the issues at hand include finding a solution to Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD), which threatens our native ecosystem. Fresh off the plane from her stay in England, our writer Alyssa spoke with local researchers on the effects of ROD, and what can be done to stop it in its tracks.
Now, as I’ve said in previous issues, it’s always best to keep a clear mind – focusing solely on the negative would be to do yourself a great disservice. Instead, take time to look on the bright side. For UH Hilo, one such bright spot was the 22nd annual Ho‘olaule‘a. Our writer, Gina, spoke with students who attended and participated in the festivities, which for over two decades have wowed local crowds with the promise of good food, lively music, and fun times.
As for myself, despite being swamped with 21 credits and a sense of pre-graduation angst, I have plenty of reasons to jump for joy: I’ve recently applied to a number of law schools, and I’ve already gotten acceptance letters from a few! As for what I’ll do to celebrate? Perhaps I can go out for drinks tonight – oh, did I forget to mention that my birthday is today? Yep, definitely going out for drinks.
Mahalo Nui,
Brian Wild