Political Science Department's 2024 Constitution Day Event

Story by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave
Photos taken by Mercy G.

students gathered in front of a screenUH Hilo students answering quiz questions at this years Constitution day event.

On Thursday, Sept. 19 from 11-1 p.m., the Political Science Department tabled in the Campus Center Plaza. They displayed fun quizzes based around the constitution on large screens for students, information for a civic obligation campaign, along with the chance for students to register to vote.

Students filled out worksheets, where they were prompted to pick one civic obligation - of the 10 provided - that they think is most important for democracy, and why. The Political Science department also asked students to think of one pressing, local issue and explain what they would do about it. In return, students happily received their free boba for participating.

Ke Kalahea was also able to attend the Civic Engagement forum on Friday, Sept 20.

students filling out civic obligation worksheets, gathered around tabling students, talking with fellow peers at the Political Sicence Dept.'s tableStudents filling out civic obligation worksheets, talking with fellow peers at the Political Science Dept.’s table. Have you ever wondered what rights students have on campus? Have you ever been curious about how the U.S. Constitution covers students' rights? If you have, Ke Kalahea hopes you had time this past September 16-20, to stop by the Political Science Department's Constitution Day Celebration! This event was planned in order to celebrate the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787.

UH Hilo's Political Science Department, Mookini Library, the Office of International Student Services, Sociology Department, and Ke Kalahea, along with the League of Women Voters, Zonta Club of Hilo, and Rotary Club of South Hilo were collaborators, while UH Hilo's College of Arts and Sciences sponsored the event. Materials were showcased in the Mookini Library surrounding the US Constitution, democracy, and civic engagement or obligations.

3 students posing and tabling for political science departmentPolitical Science Department students smiling, throwing up their shaka and peace signs while tabling.

4 images of students at a voter registration event(Above, top left) UH Hilo student poses with his “be informed” sign from the Political Science Departments table, in front of the voter registration table that reads “your vote counts!” (Above, top right) UH Hilo student stands with his “be informed” sign in the Campus Center Plaza, after finishing his worksheet. (Below, bottow left) UH Hilo students participating in the Constitution Day event activities, one about to fill out his worksheet and two others pondering on quiz questions. (Below, bottom right) UH Hilo student holding her “be informed” sign and Political Science lanyard with a smile.

highschool students at UH Hilo eventWaiakea High School students after enjoying the Constitution Day Events at UH Hilo.