October 2023: Back to School Issue
In This Edition
- Editor’s Note
- by Pualani Ovono
- October Wall Calendar
- by Lucky Lemieux
- The First Three Months
- by Lichen Forster
- Summer Recap
- by Kealiʻi Rapozo
- Graphics by Stacy Watkins
- International Student Exchange
- by Kealiʻi Rapozo
- Graphics by Lucky Lemieux & Stacy Watkins
- Student Discounts
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave
- Kilohana Renovations
- by Alexi Jimeno
- The Beauty of UH Hilo
- by Pualani Ovono
- Photos by Alexi Jimeno
- Lahaina Fires
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave
- Graphics by Stacy Watkins
- Pacific Perspective
- by Alesi Meyers-Tuimavave
- Mika’s Media Review
- by Stacy Watkins
- Classifieds
- Freshman Feathers: Exit
- by Lucky Lemieux