Fall 2021 September Issue
Ke Kalahea: September 2021
In This Issue
- 'Kakau 4 Keiki' Keeps Bellies Full This Summer
- Campus Theft is Low, but Victims Feel the Pain
- Classifieds: September
- COVID-19 Guidelines Bring Assurances To University ʻOhana
- Katie & Sadie Are Ready to Conquer Freshman Year!
- Letter From The Chancellor
- Letter from the Editor
- Library Rental Services
- Masthead: September
- Tune-In or Get Behind the Mic With Campus Radio
- UH Hilo Alum Selected For Prestigious Virtual English Language Teaching Fellowship
- Upcoming Events
- Vulcans Set to Travel Despite Looming Pandemic
- Vulcans Volleyball Coach Pens 'Covid Chronicles'
- Who's Your RA?
We Want to Hear from You
As the student-run news publication of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, it is our kuleana to provide the campus community with a space to uphold the freedom of press, exchange ideas, and express the voice of the student body. We encourage cohesive writing based on thought-provoking rhet- oric, insights, and experiences, and we welcome all students to submit letters to the editor or commentary pieces. However, opinions expressed in our publication, both print and online, do not reflect those of Ke Kalahea or the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo at-large. Ke Kalahea reserves the right to refuse publishing letters to the editor or commentary pieces that contain libel, threats of violence, defamation, or expletives, and submissions may be edited for clarity or length. Please email letters to the editor to uhhkk@hawaii.edu or submit them at https://hilo.hawaii.edu/news/kekalahea/feedback.