Fall 2020: September Issue

Aloha mai kākou,

What a strange and uprooting year 2020 has been so far for the whole world. Amid all the chaos, here we all are starting our new semester here at UH Hilo. I'm sure many of you, just like me, are feeling uncertainty for your future in the current climate. Not only are we facing the first pandemic in over 100 years, but also a very bipolar election yet again, and a movement toward equality and accountability for racial injustice toward the African American / Black / People of Color community.

Together we all must be compassionate, empathetic, and communicative as we all face the challenges surrounding us. We have the ability to shape and influence how the world around us will look in the future, so we should be thoughtful in our words and actions.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” ― Mahatma Gandhi

I look forward to overcoming the challenges that we will all face in this new and ever changing world this academic school year, as I serve you as Editor-in-Chief for Ke Kalahea, for the first time! I am thankful to have an amazing team working overtime to help seamlessly put this first issue to print, impressively with us spread across the continental U.S. Despite our distance, together we created all this content, and I am so proud of all that we as a team have accomplished already!

Self photograph of a woman, sticking her tounge out for the camera

A hui hou,
Kasumi Collins