Fall 2020: December Issue
Aloha mai kākou,
I’m sure most of you, like me, are totally spent from this semester between all the chaos involved in online learning, protests, the crazy election, and your own personal stressors. I know I've been circling the drain and in a dire need for a change in scenery and a much-needed winter break. Hopefully you have something to keep yourself grounded. I know the holiday season is stressful for many, especially this year. Don’t feel the need to spend more than you can afford (also, if you are buying, shop local or shop small businesses!), and see people when you feel unsafe. We are all struggling, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your loved ones.
Vulcans, can you believe that the semester is finally coming to an end! It felt like a long but short journey. I want to say congratulations to all those seniors out here — you pushed past this last semester and are graduating in December. I want to personally say thank you and a hui ho to two of our very own staff: Caralyn Fitzpatrick and Sasha Kauwale are graduating! You both will be missed, and always know Ke Kalahea will be here for you.
Kasumi Collins