Fall 2017: October 23rd Issue 5

Letter from the Editor

Aloha Vulcans! You have in your hands our fifth issue this semester. We have officially passed the halfway point, and amidst the chaos of midterms and term papers, we appreciate you taking a minute away from your busy schedules to inform yourselves on the latest campus happenings.

Before you dive in, we have a little business to attend to. While we do our best to ensure that all of our articles are as factually accurate as possible, every now and then a detail or two can fall through the cracks. We had two such errors in previous issues, and for that we apologize. First off, in our editorial “What is a Vulcan?” we erroneously claimed that the mascot for Oregon State University was the Ducks. It is actually the Beavers, while the University of Oregon is represented by the Ducks.

Secondly, in our third issue we ran an article entitled “Rebuilding Democracy” where we incorrectly claimed that Noelie Rodriguez was a professor here at UH Hilo. She actually teaches at Hawaiʻi Community College, and holds her movie screenings on the UH campus. Again, we apologize and will do our best to be as accurate as possible in the future.

On to more business! In the interest of transparency, I must disclose that I have taken a position on one of UHHSA’s committees. In order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest, I will no longer be reporting on our campus student association. I will leave those stories in the very capable hands of our staff writers.

And finally, a bit of a sneak peek. I’m sure you’ve all noticed there’s been a bit of unrest on campus lately. We’ve noticed as well, but so much has happened so fast that we decided to delay that story until the next issue in order to cover it properly. Better a story late than a story half-told.

Alright, enough business! And enough of me rambling on. Dive in and enjoy the hard work of those capable writers I mentioned. They, along with our photographers, layout, and the rest of our staff, have toiled to put this together for our student body.

Thanks for reading!

Nick Carrion
Editor in Chief, Ke Kalahea

In this Issue