Fall 2016: November 21st Issue 7
Letter from the Editor In Chief
Aloha Mai Kakou
“Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.”
Those were the words spoken on Election Night by Donald J. Trump, who is poised to become our nation’s 45th president next January.
At last, we have put an end to the 2016 election cycle – a time that has been incredibly demoralizing for far too many of us. To be frank, because of how drained I am from the nonstop coverage of this year’s presidential race, I’d rather not waste any more time on the subject for now. (For those interested in how Hawai‘i’s local elections turned out, refer to my article on the subject in this issue.)
With a four-day weekend ahead, we at Ke Kalahea are eager to give advice to those who plan on traveling across the island or elsewhere. (Our science and travel writer, Alyssa, is certainly among the lucky ones: she gets to show off her gorgeous shots of the White Cliffs of Dover, all the way in England!)
In keeping with the theme of travel, we feel it is only prudent to give valuable tips on how to “leave no trace” and be conscious of your surroundings. Whenever you’re trying to get in touch with nature, being pono is a must.
The quest for safeguarding our environment is likewise highlighted by UH Hilo’s MOP program. Ke Kalahea interviewed student participants in the program, who exemplified how environmental research can lead to a fulfilling career in Hawai‘i - all for the love of ‘āina and kai.
MOP isn’t the only program that deserves recognition this month: student programmers from UH Hilo proudly represented our school at an international competition in O‘ahu. With all the buzz that accompanies STEM, it’s only fitting that we recognize and applaud the wealth of talents among our budding scientists.
As for the arts, I remember a question in an earlier edition of Ask Aunty calling for more hula in Ke Kalahea. Got it! We hope you enjoy our story on Christopher K. Morgan’s “Pōhaku,” offering a beautifully original blend of island traditions and eclectic modernity.
On a final note, for those of you who never check your calendars, Thanksgiving is only a few days away! For many of us, this holiday is primarily associated with typical fare: turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, even school plays where kids dress up as either Pilgrims or Native Americans. Our news editor, Aspen, provides thoughtful commentary on the meaning behind this cherished holiday. She reminds us all that before we get too burned out by term papers and studying for finals, always remember to count your blessings and be grateful for even the little things.
For me, I’m especially thankful I got to spend time in L.A. with my family a couple weeks ago. While I was originally in town for business, my work soon gave way to pleasure – after all, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to meet my month-old nephew for the first time! Plus, I got to eat In-N-Out for the first time in three months. (Note to self: remind everyone not from the West Coast about how In-N-Out is literally the best.)
Ke Kalahea wishes everyone at UH Hilo a safe and memorable Thanksgiving break. Hau‘oli Lā Ho‘omakika‘i!
Mahalo Nui,
Brian Wild