Archived 2020 Maunakea Management Board Meetings
Meeting Agenda, Materials, Minutes
The Maunakea Management Board (MKMB) provides the community with a sustained, direct voice for the management of the Maunakea. The volunteer members represent a cross-section of the community and serve as the community’s voice providing input on operations and activities, developing policies, reviewing and providing recommendations for land uses planned for Maunakea. Visit the State of Hawaii, Office of Information Practices, Calendar of Events for the formal meeting notice and agenda.
Files are available in PDF format.
2020 Meeting Dates
November 10, 2020
II. Public Comments
VI. Agenda Items
- Action Item: Review and approval of the Hōkū Keʻa decommissioning due diligence reports (UH Hilo Hoku Kea Hazmat Report, Phase I ESA Draft Report)
- Action Item: Review and approval of Maunakea Observatories Support Services request to consolidate existing hazardous material storage lockers and construct a storage cabinet for oil and acetylene in the utilities base yard
- Action Item: Review and recommend approval that the University engage in discussions and negotiations to initiate a shuttle pilot program.
August 10, 2020
III. Public Comment
VI. Agenda Items (submittals)
B. Action Item: Review and action to be taken on the University’s proposed internal management restructuring plan prepared in response to Board of Regent’s Resolution 19-03, Section 8.
July 16, 2020
VI. Agenda Items (submittals)
- Approval of the Hōkū Ke‘a Telescope Decommissioning Funding Plan
- Approval of the Maunakea Education and Outreach Plan (CMP EO-1)
- Information and discussion: Hōkū Ke‘a Telescope Decommissioning Alternatives
- Information and discussion: Proposed “Center for Maunakea Stewardship: Internal Restructuring Plan for Management Operations of Maunakea Lands,” prepared in response to Board of Regent’s Resolution 19-03, Section 8.
February 18, 2020
VI. Agenda Items (submittals)
A. Approval of the Notice of Intent to decommission Hōkū Ke‘a telescope
B. Discussion on Senate Concurrent Resolution 37 and House Concurrent Resolution 37