UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

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Your search for keywords “UH” returned 53 results. You may search again below.

Southward, Walt. “$3 Million observatory started” and “Project’s booster misses ceremony”. 1967. Database: Akiyama. UH 84-inch telescope, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Groundbreaking, Hale Pohaku mid-level facility

Yamakawa, Rachel, Nariai, Kyoji, Akiyama, Shizue. A Heroic Person by Rachel Yamakawa (6th grader) and introduction by Kyoji Nariai (Stars are 'Subaru': Mr. Akiyama's Mauna Kea). 1996. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Mauna Kea, Commendation, Board of Regents, UH

n/a. A Space Lookout to Be Protected. 1972. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Frence Astronomy and Geophysics Institute, Institute of Astronomy at UH, Environment protection, Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)

Critchlow, Leigh. A vision of Mauna Kea realized: isle astronomy pioneer being feted by Regents Board. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Mauna Kea - Early Account, Appreciation, Board of Regents, UH

n/a. Astronomy research base changes name. 1988. Database: Akiyama. Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), UH Hilo Research Park, Base facilities

Sakai, Howard F.. Avian response to mechanical clearing of a native rainforest in Hawaii. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Japanese White-eye, Keauhou Ranch, Endangered species, Species diversity, Birds counting, Koa, Forests and forestry Hawaii Island

Clark, Hugh. Big high-tech park at UH Hilo forecast. 1985. Database: Akiyama. University of Hawaii at Hilo, UH Hilo Research and Technology Park

n/a. Black and white photo of Akiyama family, after the presentation of resolution. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Photographs, Appreciation, Resolution, Akiyama, Mitsuo, Board of Regents, UH

n/a. Colored photos of Mr. Akiyama at the Board of Regents meeting. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Appreciation, Board of Regents, UH

n/a. Colored photos of Mr. Akiyama receiving recognition from the University of Hawaii Board of Regents’. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Board of Regents, UH, Commendation, Photographs

n/a. Dreamers and Mauna Kea. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Kuiper, Gerard, W.M. Keck Observatory, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH

n/a. "Dreamers and Mauna Kea" and an article from the Hawaii Herald January 17, 1992. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Kuiper, Gerard, Mauna Kea, Commendation, Board of Regents, UH

Thompson, Rod. First Light on Mauna Kea: the $300 million project hits a milestone today with its first usable picture. 1999. Database: Akiyama. First Light, Subaru Telescope, Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro

n/a. Frozen mini-planet found far beyond Pluto. 1997. Database: Akiyama. Kuiper belt object, Pluto, UH

Cabanila, Phillip, Noh, Myounghee, Myounghee Noh & Associates, L.L.C.. Hazardous material survey report for 24" telescope Hoku Kea Observatory, TMK (3)4-4-015:009 (por.) Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii. 2016. Database: EIS. UH 24-inch telescope, Hazardous material survey

Stapleton, Frankie. IFA director outlines goals. 1984. Database: Akiyama. Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Hall, Donald, UH Manoa

Clark, Hugh. "Is Council reaching for stars?" and "Study of facility transfer sought". 1987. Database: Akiyama. College of Tropical Agriculture, UH, Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Hilo

Altonn, Helen. "Isle Scientists’ New Camera Speeds Up Space Discoveries" and "State hires planning company for Big Isle research-tech park". 1987. Database: Akiyama. Astronomy, 88-inch telescope, Institute for Astronomy, UH Hilo Research and Technology Park

Krisciunas, Kevin. Isle students observe stars from Mauna Kea. 1995. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, UH 24-inch telescope, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Waiakea High School, Science Fair

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama June 12, 1970. 1970. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, UH 88-inch telescope, Dedications

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Dr. Albert J. Simone (President, UH) from Mr. Akiyama February 24, 1992. 1992. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Kuiper, Gerard, UH

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Dr. Paul C. Yuen (Acting President, UH) from Mr. Akiyama August 17, 1992. 1992. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Kuiper, Gerard, UH

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Gene Tao (Editor of Hawaii Tribune Herald) from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Tao, Gene, Board of Regents, UH, Resolution, Appreciation

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Governor John Waihee from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Governor John Waihee, Appreciation, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH, Kuiper, Gerard, John A. Burns Way

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Howard Stephenson from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Stephenson, Howard, Board of Regents, UH, Resolution, Appreciation

Stephenson, H. Howard. Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from H. Howard Stephenson December 10, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Appreciation, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH

Higa, Royce. Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Royce Higa June 6, 1966. 1966. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Ruhnke, Lothar, Mauna Loa Observatory

Iwase, Randy. Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Senator Randy Iwase December 6, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Board of Regents, UH, Resolution

Shiramizu, Tatsuki. Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Tatsuki Shiramizu October 21, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH, Akiyama, Mitsuo

Kuiper, Gerard. Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper June 9, 1970. 1970. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, NASA, UH 88-inch telescope, Dedications

Kuiper, Gerard. Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 8, 1969 . 1969. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, UH 88-inch telescope, Mauna Kea

Hughes, Robert. Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Robert H. Hughes August 21, 1964 . 1964. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Board of Regents, UH, Mauna Kea

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Senator Randy Iwase from Mitsuo Akiyama November 11, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH, Kuiper, Gerard

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Senator Randy Iwase from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Iwase, Randy, Appreciation, Resolution, Board of Regents, UH, Kuiper, Gerard

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Senator Richard Matsuura from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Matsuura, Richard, Board of Regents, UH, Appreciation, Resolution, Kuiper, Gerard, Mauna Kea

n/a. "Mauna Kea astronomers spy 'Smiley' and 'Karla'", "UH Hilo selected for NASA access", and "Planetary workshop". 1993. Database: Akiyama. UH 88-inch telescope, Kuiper belt objects, University of Hawaii at Hilo, NASA

Bishop, Hunter. Mauna Kea plan Ok'd, with limits: Regents say no more than three new telescopes can be erected on summit. 2000. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Board of Regents, UH, Mauna Kea Master plan

Ong, Vickie. New director sees world-class astronomy institute. 1983. Database: Akiyama. Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Hall, Donald, UH Manoa

n/a. New Observatory Director Hopes to Build Staff. 1966. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Loa Observatory, Ruhnke, Lothar

Bryan, Jack. Observatory chief hopes to build staff. 1966. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Loa Observatory, Ruhnke, Lothar

Cabanila, Phillip, Noh, Myounghee, Myounghee Noh & Associates, L.L.C.. Phase I environmental site assessment report for 24" telescope Hoku Kea Observatory, TMK (3)4-4-015:009 (por.) Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii. 2016. Database: EIS. UH 24-inch telescope, Environmental impact analysis

Bricking, Tanya. Regents endorse draft proposal for Mauna Kea: UH President says plan respects sacredness of mountain. 2000. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea Management Plan, Board of Regents, UH

Friday, James B., Scowcroft, Paul G., Ares, Adrian. Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawaii. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Fraxinus uhdei, Tropical ash, Acacia koa, Forests and forestry research, Invasive plants, Introduced species

n/a. Ruhnke New Director at Mauna Loa. 1966. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Loa Observatory, Ruhnke, Lothar

Wright, Walter. Scientists on trail of space's largest 'black hole'. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Black hole, Tully, Brent, UH 88-inch telescope

Wainscoat, Richard, Jewitt, David. "Technological advances help capture a great show by Jove" and "Astronomers shed light on dark matter". 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Mauna Kea Observatories, UH 2.2-meter telescope, Astronomy, Institute for Astronomy

Kato, Gerald. "Telescope OKd for Mauna Kea" and "Regents OK Mauna Kea master plan". 1983. Database: Akiyama. Telescopes, Mauna Kea, Master plan, UH Regents, James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT)

Whitney, Scott. The Light on White Mountain. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Crab Nebula, Jupiter, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Keck Observatory, Comet Hale-Bopp, Kuiper Belt, Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), UH 2.2-meter telescope, Photographs

Clark, Hugh. "UH fires astronomy institute director" and "Astronomy institute picks acting director". 1997. Database: Akiyama. Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Hall, Donald, UH Manoa

Smith, Dave. UH regents OK Mauna Kea plan: Panel votes to approve document that dictates telescope development. 2000. Database: Akiyama. Board of Regents, UH, Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan

Clark, Hugh. UH tries to reassure UH Hilo: hopes new projects blunt separation talk. 1992. Database: Akiyama. University of Hawaii at Hilo, UH Hilo Science and Technology Park

n/a. UK astronomy facility opens. 1985. Database: Akiyama. Dedications, Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), UH Hilo Research Park, Base facilities, Photographs

Board of Regents, University of Hawaii, Stephenson, H. Howard. University of Hawaii Board of Regents’ Resolution in Recognition of Dr. Gerard Kuiper. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Board of Regents, UH, Appreciation, Kuiper, Gerard

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