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Search our Research Catalog - “Trade wind inversion”

Your search for keywords “Trade wind inversion” returned 8 results. You may search again below.

Krushelnycky, Paul, Starr, Forest, Starr, Kim, Longman, Ryan J., Frazier, Abby G., Loope, Lloyd L., Giambelluca, Thomas W.. Change in trade wind inversion frequency implicated in the decline of an alpine plant. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Silverswords Haleakala, Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Climate changes, Trade wind inversion

Giambelluca, T.W., Luke, Mark Sung Alapaki. Climate change in Hawaii's mountains. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Climatic changes, Trade wind inversion, Global warming, Temperature measurements, Birds habitat, Birds diseases

Juvik, J.O., Nullet, D., Banko, P., Hughes, K.. Forest climatology near the tree line in Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Temperature, Precipitation, Climate, Microclimates, Trade wind inversion, Thermal properties, Solar radiation meteorology, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds habitat, Sophora Chrysophylla

Giambelluca, Thomas W., Nullet, Dennis. Influence of the trade-wind inversion on the climate of a leeward mountain slope in Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Climate Haleakala, Microclimates, Temperature inversion, Trade wind inversion, Wind effects, Global warming

Cao, Guangxia, Giambelluca, T.W.. Inversion variability in the Hawaiian trade wind regime. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Trade wind inversion, Temperature, Climatic changes

Chen, Yi-Leng, Feng, Jiuhua. Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part I: The Effects of Trade Wind Inversion. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow, Trade wind inversion

Grindinger, Cecilia M.. Temporal variability of the trade wind inversion: measured with a boundary layer vertical profiler. 1992. Database: Monographs. Trade wind inversion, Hawaiian Rainband Project

Mendonca, Bernard, Iwaoka, Wayne T.. The trade wind inversion at the slopes of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1969. Database: Periodicals. Meteorological data Mauna Loa, Trade wind inversion

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