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Search our Research Catalog - “Soils analysis”

Your search for keywords “Soils analysis” returned 11 results. You may search again below.

Hudnall, Wayne H.. Genesis and morphology of secondary products in selected volcanic ash soils from the island of Hawaii. 1977. Database: Monographs. Soils analysis, Volcanic ash, tuff, etc., Lake Waiau

Perez, Francisco L.. Geoecological alteration of surface soils by the Hawaiian silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.) in Haleakala's crater, Maui. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Silverswords Haleakala, Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Macrocephalum, Soils Haleakala, Soils analysis, Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.

National Cooperative Soil Survey,. Hanipoe series. 2012. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea volcano, Soils analysis

Golden, D.C., Morris, R.V., Ming, D.W., Lauer, H.V. Jr., Yang, S.R.. Mineralogy of three slightly palagonitized basaltic tephra samples from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Glass, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Soils analysis, Palagonite

Balakrishinan, Nadarajah, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Nutrient studies in relation to habitat types and canopy dieback in the montane rain forest ecosystem, island of Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Metrosideros polymorpha, Canopy dieback, Soils analysis

Hwang, S. C.. Ohia decline: the role of Phytophthora Cinnamomi, CPSU/UH Technical Report No.12. 1977. Database: Monographs. Ohia dieback, Soils analysis

Barnard, Walther M., Halbig, Joseph B.. Rare earth elements in soils from selected areas of the island of Hawaii. 1985. Database: Periodicals. Rare earth elements, Soils analysis, Kohala, Kawaihae, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa

Townsend, Alan Ronald. Soil carbon dynamics along gradients of climate and land use. 1994. Database: Monographs. Soils Mauna Kea, Soils analysis, Carbon isotopes

Foster, Zera C.. Soils of Hawaii. 1939. Database: Monographs. Soils analysis, Land use

n/a. The broad scope of soils engineering. 1971. Database: Periodicals. Soils analysis, Soils Hawaii Island, Soil testing

Loganathan, Paripurnananda. The properties and genesis of four middle altitude dystrandepts from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1967. Database: Monographs. Soils Hawaii Island, Soils analysis, Soils Mauna Kea

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