Search our Research Catalog - “Roads cultural aspects”
Your search for keywords “Roads cultural aspects” returned 3 results. You may search again below.
A social impact assessment: indigenous Hawaiian cultural values of the proposed Saddle Road alignments, project A-AD-6(1) [part of the EIS for the Saddle Road project]. 1997. Database: EIS. Roads cultural aspects, Saddle Road, Hawaii Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Supplement to archaeological, historical and traditional cultural property assessment for the Hawaii defense access road A-AD-6(1) and Saddle Road (SR200) project. 1999. Database: EIS. Archaeological surveying Saddle Road, Roads cultural aspects Hawaii Island, Saddle Road, Cultural property Hawaii Island, Hawaii Island antiquities
The Saddle Road Corridor : An Archaeological Inventory Survey and Traditional Cultural Property Study for the Hawaii Defense Access Road A-AD-6(1) and Saddle Road (SR 200) Project, Districts of South Kohala, Hamakua, North Hilo, and South HiIo, Island of Hawaii, April 1999. 1999. Database: EIS. Archaeological surveying Saddle Road, Hawaii antiquities, Cultural property Hawaii Island, Roads cultural aspects Hawaii Island, Hawaii Island antiquities, Saddle Road
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