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Search our Research Catalog - “Rain and rainfall research”

Your search for keywords “Rain and rainfall research” returned 14 results. You may search again below.

Chu, Pao-Shin, Chen, Ying Ruan, Schroeder, Thomas. Changes in precipitation extremes in the Hawaiian Islands in a warming climate. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Precipitation, Climatic changes, Rain and rainfall research

Evenson, William E.. Climate analysis in Ohia dieback area on the island of Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Climatic changes, Precipitation, Ohia-lehua, Ohia dieback, Metrosideros polymorpha, Temperature

Chen, Yi-Leng, Nash, Andrew. Diurnal Variation of Surface Airflow and Rainfall Frequencies on the Island of Hawaii. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Precipitation, Orographic airflow, Solar radiation meteorology, Heat conduction

Frye, Jeffrey L., Chen, Yi-Leng. Evolution of Downslope Flow under Strong Opposing Trade Winds and Frequent Trade-Wind Rainshowers over the Island of Hawaii. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Orographic airflow, Precipitation

Feng, Jiuhua, Chen, Yi-Leng. Evolution of Katabatic Flow on the Island of Hawaii on 10 August 1990. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian Rainband Project, Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Orographic airflow, Solar radiation meteorology

Chu, Pao-Shin, Zhao, Xin, Ruan, Ying, Grubbs, Melodie. Extreme rainfall events in the Hawaiian islands. 2009. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Precipitation

Taylor, Gregory. Hawaiian winter rainfall and its relation to the southern oscillation. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Precipitation, Numerical simulations

Coulter, John Wesley. Meteorological reports of the Mauna Kea Expedition, 1935 (III); Climate of the Humuula Plateau. 1939. Database: Periodicals. Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea, Humuula, Rain and rainfall research, Precipitation, Temperature, Meteological data Mauna Kea

Chen, Yi-Leng, Feng, Jiuhua. Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part I: The Effects of Trade Wind Inversion. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow, Trade wind inversion

Feng, Jiuhua, Chen, Yi-Leng. Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part II: Nocturnal Flow Regime. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow

Blanchard, Duncan C. Raindrop size-distribution in Hawaiian rains. 1953. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Precipitation Mauna Kea

Chen, Yi-Leng, Wang, Jiuhua.. The influences of inversion height on precipitation and airflow over the island of Hawaii. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Temperature inversion, Orographic airflow, Wind effects

Carbone, R. E., Tuttle, J. D., Cooper, W. A., Grubisic, V., Lee, W. C.. Trade wind rainfall near the windward coast of Hawaii. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Precipitation, Wind effects

Austin, Gary R., Rauber, Robert M.. Trade-wind clouds and Hawaiian rainbands. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project

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