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230 Thorium dating of toolstone procurement strategies, production scale and ritual practices at the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry complex, Hawaii. 2012. Database: Periodicals. Adzes Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Adze Quarry, Radioactive dating, Archaeological dating Mauna Kea
An early radiocarbon chronology for the Hawaiian Islands: a preliminary analysis. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Radioactive dating, Archaeological dating Hawaii
Annual rings in a native Hawaiian tree, Sophora chrysophylla, on Maunakea, Hawaii. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Carbon isotope ratios, Trees Hawaii Island, Radiocarbon dating, Mauna Kea
Archaeological reconnaissance of two proposed antenna sites for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. . 1988. Database: EIS. Archaeological surveying Hawaii Island, Archaeological surveying Mauna Kea, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Very Long Base Array (VLBA)
Combined U-Th/He and (super 40) Ar/(super 39) Ar Geochronology of post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes, Hawaii. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Late Quaternary, Geological time, Geology Mauna Kea, Geochronology, Uranium-thorium dating, Radioactive dating
Consequences of antenna design in telemetry studies of small passerines. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring palila, Birds radio tracking, Endangered species birds, Birds monitoring palilaBirds radio trackingEndangered species birdsLoxioides bailleuiPalila
Determination of radioactivity of Hawaiian lavas by means of nuclear emulsions. 1954. Database: Monographs. Lava, Radioactivity measurement, Volcanoes, Isotopes
Draft supplemental environmental impact statement, amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan for a VLBA antenna facility at Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, June 1988. 1988. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Science Reserve environmental aspects, Very Long Base Array (VLBA), National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Experimental developments and application of carbon-14 and in situ cosmogenic nuclide dating techniques. 2004. Database: Monographs. Glaciation, Cosmogenic radionuclide dating, Carbon-14 dating, Mauna Kea
Final supplemental environmental impact statement VLBA Antenna Facility, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii, September, 1988. - Amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan. 1988. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Science Reserve environmental aspects, Very Long Base Array (VLBA), National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Hawaiian radiocarbon dates. 1987. Database: Monographs. Radioactive dating
Investigating the growth dynamics of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) on Maunakea, Hawai`i using radiocarbon dating and classical dendrochronology methods. 2012. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Carbon isotope ratios, Trees Hawaii Island, Radiocarbon dating, Mauna Kea
Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VII (excerpt). 1969. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Lake sediments, Radioactive dating
Late Pleistocene eolian sediments related to pyroclastic eruptions of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Sediments, Mauna Kea volcano, Radioactive dating, Uranium-series method, Uranium-thorium dating, K-Ar dating, Potassium-argon dating
Letter to Myron Isherwood (Director, County of Hawaii Civil Defence) from C.M. Gillespie September 1, 1964 . 1964. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea observatory station, County of Hawaii Civil Defence, Radio transceiver, Correspondence
New approaches to quaternary geochronology: U-Th/He dating of basalt and stable isotope mapping of polar glaciers. 2006. Database: Monographs. Uranium-thorium dating, Helium, Quaternary, Geochronology, Basalt, Stable isotope, Glaciers, Radioactivity measurement, Radioactive dating
New harness design for attachment of radio transmitters to small passerines. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Birds monitoring, Birds radio tracking
Observatory Gets Radio. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea Station, Radio
Plutonic xenoliths reveal the timing of magma evolution at Hualalai and Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Uranium-series method, Radioactive dating, Magma chambers, Magmatic differentiation, Cumulates, Volcanism, Geology stratigraphic
Radiocarbon dates for lava flows from northeast rift zone of Mauna Loa volcano, Hilo 7 1/2' quadrangle, Island of Hawaii. 1989. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Loa volcano, Lava flows, Radioactive dating
Radiocarbon dates from the Hawaiian Islands - a compilation. 1979. Database: Monographs. Quaternary, Volcanoes, Radiocarbon dating
Site tenacity of the endangered palila. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Translocation, Birds radio tracking, Birds monitoring palila
The (super 40)Ar/(super 39)Ar and K/Ar dating of lavas from the Hilo 1-km core hole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Radioactive dating, Mauna Kea volcano, K-Ar dating, Potassium-argon dating
The (super 40)Ar/(super 39)Ar dating of core recovered by the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (phase 2), Hilo, Hawaii. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Radioactive dating, Mauna Kea volcano
The isotopic composition of postshield lavas from Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Isotopes, Basalt, Lava, Radioactive dating
U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates IX. 1967. Database: Periodicals. Radioactive dating
U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates X. 1969. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Radioactive dating
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