Search our Research Catalog - “Mountains”
Your search for keywords “Mountains” returned 3 results. You may search again below.
High mountain ecosystems: evolution, structure, operation and maintenance. 1979. Database: Monographs. Mountain ecology, Mountains, Altitude influence of, Photosynthesis
Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, & c., with a scientific appendix. 2003. Database: Monographs. Northwest Pacific description and travel, Rocky Mountains description and travel, Hawaii description and travel, Townsend, John Kirk, 1809-1851, Overland journeys to the Pacific, Natural history Northwest Pacific, Natural history Rocky Mountains, Natural history
Timing and nature of late Quaternary mountain glaciation. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Glaciation, Mountains, Climatic changes, Geochronology, Late Quaternary
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