Search our Research Catalog - “Moon”
Your search for keywords “Moon” returned 28 results. You may search again below.
2012 Moon Mars Analog Mission Activities on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Mars (Planet), Moon, Geology Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve
Astronauts due here for Moon training. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Astronauts, Moon, Mauna Loa
Astronauts Due Here Jan. 10 on Field Trip. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Astronauts, Moon, Mauna Loa
Astronauts to make field trips here: 29 to study Mauna Loa's lava fields. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Loa, Kuiper, Gerard, Moon
Crusty or Dusty, Scientists Still Disagree on Surface of Moon. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 7, Mauna Loa
Designing remote operations strategies to optimize science mission goals: lessons learned from the Moon Mars Analog Mission Activities Mauna Kea 2012 field test. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Mars (Planet), Moon, Geology Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve
"JFK to Visit Push Moon Race" and " Mauna Kea site chosen for Moon study project". 1963. Database: Akiyama. Moon, Mauna Kea
"Kuiper’s Remarks Are Clarified" and "Gold's remarks scientific, Kuiper says". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Kuiper, Gerard, Moon probe, Ranger 7
Lunar Results from Rangers 7 to 9. 1965. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 7, Ranger 8, Ranger 9
Mauna Kea Moon Gazing Program to Start Tonight Atop Puu Poliahu. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Moon Gazer, Puu Poliahu, Herring, Alika
Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as an Analog Site for Future Planetary Resource Exploration: Results from the 2010 ILSO-ISRU Field-Testing Campaign. 2013. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Mars (Planet), Moon, Geology Mauna Kea
Mauna Loa’s Terrain Likened to Moon Landscape. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Loa, Moon
Moon Expert Sees Boost in Isles’ Geophysics Role. 1965. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 8, Mauna Loa
"Moon Like Big Isle craters" and "Moon's crater rims may be safer for landings". 1965. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 9
Moon photos show traces of lava flow. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon, Ranger 7, Kuiper, Gerard
Moon Shot is Right on Target. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 6
Moon Surface Rough, But Landing Spot Could be Found, Kuiper says. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Kuiper, Gerard, Mauna Loa
"Moon Surface Rough, But Landing Spot Could be Found, Kuiper Says" and "2 Foreign Space Scientists Here". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon, Kuiper, Gerard
"NASA 'Eye' to Hawaii" and "Moon study jeep road to be built, Gov. Burns says". 1964. Database: Akiyama. NASA, 12-Inch telescope, Moon, Gov. Burns
"Password to Moon is Maneuverability" and "Moon photos to be discussed". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 7
Planetary Portraits. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon, Test telescope, Herring, Alika
"Ranger 6 off to the Moon" and "Ranger probe slated to hit Moon Sunday". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 6
"Ranger 6 on collision course with the Moon" and "Moon Probe congratulations mix with disappointment". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 6
Ranger Moon Shot is Off Indefinitely. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 6
"Scientists probe failure of cameras on ranger 6" and "Ranger 6 zeroes in on Moon; Due to hit at 11:24 tonight". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 6
Space Gap Closed. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon Probe
Space: Changing Man’s View. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 7
"Taking the measure of the Moon" and "Back in orbit". 1964. Database: Akiyama. Moon probe, Ranger 7
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