Search our Research Catalog - “Loxioides bailleui”
Your search for keywords “Loxioides bailleui” returned 90 results. You may search again below.
1998 Palila population census; breeding and nonbreeding censuses of the 1998 palila population on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Birds monitoring palila
2015-2016 Palila abundance estimates. 2016. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Birds counting
A list of birds located on the island of Hawaii in May 1940. 1940. Database: Periodicals. Bird populations, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi, Endangered species birds
A new approach for analyzing bird densities from variable circular-plot counts. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Bird populations, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Kanakaleonui, Endangered species birds
Alala, Akohekohe, and Palila: population and habitat viability assessment reports. 1993. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian crow, Alala, Corvus hawaiiensis, Crested honeycreeper, Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Bird populations viability analysis, AkohekoheAlalaBird populations viability analysisCorvus hawaiiensisCrested honeycreeperHawaiian crowLoxioides bailleuiPalilaPalmeria dolei
Alala, Puaiohi, Palila, Hawaiian Creeper, Akepa, Maui Parrotbill, Akohekohe, Elepaio, Nene, Endangered Hawaiian Forest Birds Studbooks. 1993. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian crow, Alala, Corvus hawaiiensis, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Branta sandvicensis, Captive breeding
Alteration of wildlife habitat as a prohibited taking under the Endangered Species Act. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Endangered Species Act of 1973, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Habitat ecology modification
Annual variation in the distribution, abundance, and habitat response of the palila (Loxioides bailleui). 1984. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring, Birds populations, Birds counting
Application of a PCR-based approach to identify sex in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae). 2000. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Iiwi, Vestiaria coccinea, Hawaii Amakihi, Hemignathus virens, Apapane, Himatione sanguinea sanguinea, Birds sexing, Endangered species
Availability of food resources, distribution of invasive species, and conservation of a Hawaiian bird along a gradient of elevation. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Subalpine forests, Translocation, Endangered species birds
Aves Hawaiienses: the birds of the Sandwich Islands. Database: Monographs. Birds, Loxops coccineus, Hawaii Akepa, Palmeria dolei, Akohekohe, Loxioides bailleui, Palila, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Chasiempis sandwichensis, Elepaio
Back from the brink. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered Species Act of 1973, Endangered species recovery
Behavioral ecology of juvenile palila (Loxioides bailleui) : foraging development, social dynamics, and helping behavior. 1998. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds
Botanical survey of the Hale Pohaku Mid-elevation facilities construction staging area. 2004. Database: EIS. Outrigger Telescope Project, W.M. Keck Observatory, Hale Pohaku, Vegetation surveys, Palila, Loxioides bailleui
Breeding biology and nesting success of palila. 1990. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species, Nesting success, Birds clutches, Birds counting, Breeding biology, Birds breeding
Consequences of antenna design in telemetry studies of small passerines. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring palila, Birds radio tracking, Endangered species birds, Birds monitoring palilaBirds radio trackingEndangered species birdsLoxioides bailleuiPalila
Drepanidine movements in relation to food availability in subalpine weedlind on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2001. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Iiwi, Vestiaria coccinea, Apapane, Himatione sanguinea sanguinea, Birds food, Mamane, Drepanidinae, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Mauna Kea volcano
Ecology of introduced small mammals on western Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Predatory animals, Mammalian predation, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanidinae, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaii Amakihi, Hemignathus virens, Rats, Rattus rattus, Mice, Feral cats, Mongooses, Mauna Kea
Effort to establish second Palila population on Mauna Kea shows signs of success. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Translocation, Bird populations, Birds Mauna Kea
Endangered Mauna Kea bird. 1974. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Mauna Kea Forest Reserve, Mamane-naio forest, Fences Mauna Kea, Mammalian Predation, Feral ungulates
Environmental close-up 4; Restoring palila and other Hawaiian forest birds: understanding problems and developing solutions. 2000. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Mamane, Endangered species birds, Sophora chrysophylla, Loxioides bailleui, Birds conservation Hawaii Island, Birds ecology, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Introduced species
Estimating genetic diversity of Palila (Loxioides bailleui) and familial relationships of helper males. 2008. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Loxops virens, Birds Mauna Kea, Birds conservation
Estimation of growth and extinction parameters for endangered species. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanidinae, Endangered species birds
Examining the comparative foraging proficiency of captive-bred and wild palila (Loxioides Bailleui); an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper . 2007. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Captive breeding, Birds conservation
Factors related to the recovery of subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Subalpine forests, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Endangered species recovery, Predatory animals control, Endangered species recoveryLoxioides bailleuiMamanePalilaPredatory animals controlSophora ChrysophyllaSubalpine forests
Flying with the Palila. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds protection, Environmental education Hawaii Island
Forest climatology near the tree line in Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Temperature, Precipitation, Climate, Microclimates, Trade wind inversion, Thermal properties, Solar radiation meteorology, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds habitat, Sophora Chrysophylla
Genetic structure and mating system in the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, as assessed by DNA fingerprinting. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Translocation, Kanakaleonui, Puu Laau, Genetics, Endangered species birds
Habitat and food preferences of the endangered palila (Loxioides Bailleui) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane-naio forest, Sophora chrysophylla, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island
Hawaiian endangered bird conservation program five-year workplan (2001-2005), draft, 15 October 2001. 2001. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi, Endangered species birds, Birds conservation, Birds protection, Forest birds
History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - Species accounts; forest birds: Maui Parrotbill, Ou, Palila, Greater Koa Finch, Lesser Koa Finch and Grosbeak Finch. 1986. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Psittirostra bailleui, Birds conservation, Birds Mauna Kea, Forest birds, Birds ecology, Endangered species birds
Hunters are shot down in appeal of the palila decision of the Federal Court. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hunting, Lawsuits, Feral sheep, Mammalian Predation, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla
Journal of ornithological work during the summer of 1937. 1952. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea description and travel, Birds Mauna Kea, Palila, Loxioides bailleui
Long-Term Population Monitoring: Lessons Learned From an Endangered Passerine in Hawaii. 2006. Database: Periodicals. Loxioides bailleui, Palila, Bird populations, Sampling methods, Surveys, Variable circular plot method
Long-term population variability in the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds monitoring palila, Surveys
Nesting behavior of palila, as assessed from video recordings. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Nesting success, Birds nests
Note on Loxioides bailleui Oust. from Hawaii. 1903. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds
Notes on three species of anthocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Hawaii, including the first record of buchananiella continua (white). 2001. Database: Periodicals. Anthocoridae, Minute pirate bugs, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Insects, Endangered species birds
Observations on birds on the island of Hawaii. 1961. Database: Periodicals. Bird populations, PalilaLoxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds
Palila (Loxioides bailleui). 2002. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Mamane
Palila (Loxioides bailleui) Fledgling Fed by Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens). 2008. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Amakihi, Hemignathus virens, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds food
Palila abundance estimates and trend. 2012. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds
Palila abundance estimates and trend. 2014. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Birds counting
Palila at Hale Pohaku. 1977. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hale Pohaku, Birds monitoring palila
Palila Loxioides bailleui. 2005. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Forest birds, Endangered species birds, Wildlife conservation
Palila population estimate for 1997. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Bird populations, Endangered species birds
Palila recovery lags behind habitat restoration efforts. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds habitat, Endangered species recovery, Captive breeding
Palila recovery plan. 1978. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Psittirostra bailleui, Birds Hawaii, Endangered species birds, Birds protection
Palila restoration project 1999 report, 1 January 1997 - 30 September 1999. 1999. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Birds ecology, Mamane-naio forest
Palila restoration project 2000 report: summary of results, 1 October 1999 - 31 October 2000. 2000. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Mamane-naio forest, Birds ecology
Palila restoration project 2001 report : summary of results 1996-2001. 2001. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Mamane-naio forest, Birds ecology
Palila restoration project final report: 1 January 1997 - 31 December 1998. 1999. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Mamane-naio forest, Birds ecology
Palila restoration research, 1996-2012. 2014. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Restoration ecology
Palila restoration research, 1996-2012: summary and management implications. 2014. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Restoration ecology
Palila restoration: developing techniques for palila restoration. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Endangered species birds, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Birds ecology, Mamane-naio forest
Palila restoration: exploring methodologies for the reintroduction of an endangered Hawaiian finch. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea
Palila Restoration: Lessons from Long-term Research. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds conservation, Birds Mauna Kea
Palila restoration: roost site selection and behavior of a Hawaiian finch. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds habitat Hawaii Island
Palila restoration: scientific bases for mitigation plan, December 16, 1998. 1998. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Endangered species birds, Birds conservation, Birds Mauna Kea, Mamane, Birds ecology
Palila restoration: time allocation of nesting palila: a video study. 2006. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds Mauna Kea, Birds monitoring palila
Palila v. Department of Land & Natural Resources - an update. 2013. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Birds habitat Hawaii Island, Lawsuits
Palila v. Department of Land and Natural Resources: “taking” under Section Nine of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered Species Act of 1973, Endangered species birds, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Feral sheep, Feral goats, Fences Mauna Kea, National Audubon Society, Sierra Club
Palila v. Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources: State governments fall prey to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Endangered species birds, Endangered Species Act of 1973, Lawsuits
Palila versus N.R.A.. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Lawsuits, Sierra Club, Mammalian Predation, Mamane-naio forest
Parasitism of Cydia spp. (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) on Sophora chrysophylla (Fabaceae) along an elevation gradient of dry subalpine forest on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Insects, Cydia, Alien species, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Moths larvae, Endangered species birds
Population structure and survival of Palila. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Bird populations, Survival, Birds monitoring, Conservation, Endangered species birds
Potential impact of mammalian nest predators on endemic forest birds of western Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Predatory animals, Mammalian predation, Feral cats, Endangered species birds, Nest predators, Rats, Rattus rattus
Potential impact of mammalian nest predators on Mamane-Naio woodland birds of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1991. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Mammals, Feral cats, Rats, Predatory animals, Nest predation, Introduced species, Mauna Kea, Mamane
Proposed determination of critical habitat for the palila (50 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17). 1977. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Bird populations, Endangered species birds
Recent surveys indicate rapid decline of palila population. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane-naio forest, Sophora Chrysophylla, Birds populations, Surveys
Remote sensing techniques for classifying the habitat of an endangered bird species on Mauna Kea. 2010. Database: Monographs. Endangered species birds, Mauna Kea, Mamane-naio forest, Sophora chrysophylla, Myoporum sandwicense, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Remote sensing techniques
Report: endangered avian species survey for phase one of GTE Hawaiian Tel's Mauna Kea fiber project, District of North Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii. 1996. Database: Monographs. Endangered species birds, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi
Response of six species of Hawaiian forest birds to a 1991-1992 El Nino drought. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Amakihi, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Japanese White-eye, Foraging ecology, Elepaio, Birds Hawaii Island, Drought, El Nino
Restoring critical habitat for Hawaii's endangered palila by reducing ungulate populations. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Mamane, Birds habitat
Restoring palila on the Big Island. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Translocation, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Endangered species birds, Mammalian Predation
Revised recovery plan for Hawaiian forest birds. 2006. Database: Monographs. Birds conservation, Wildlife recovery, Forest birds, Rare birds, Palila, Loxioides bailleui
Seed chemistry of Sophora chrysophylla (mamane) in relation to diet of specialist avian seed predator Loxiodes bailleui (palila) in Hawaii. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Cydia, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Moths, Foraging behavior, Endangered species birds, Birds food, Cydia
Sex and age identification of palila. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Molting
Sheep vs. Palila on Mauna Kea: after 200 years of damage, can these native birds recover?. 2011. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane
Site tenacity of the endangered palila. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Translocation, Birds radio tracking, Birds monitoring palila
Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Endangered Species, Birds monitoring palila, Birds counting, Feral ungulates, Mammalian Predation, Genetics, Birds diseases, Translocation, Birds food
Strategies for reducing feral cat threats to endangered Hawaiian birds. 2004. Database: Monographs. Cats, Endangered species, Felis catus, Feral cats, Finches Hawaii, Introduced species, Loxioides bailleui, Palila, Predation
Suit filed over Mauna Kea grazing. 1978. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane-naio forest, Cattle, Lawsuits
Surveys reveal decline of the palila. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Birds conservation, Bird populations, Habitat conservation, Endangered species birds
Survival of Feral Cats, Felis catus (Carnivora: Felidae), on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Based on Tooth Cementum Lines. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Feral cats, Felis catus, Predatory animals, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds
The eggs and young of the palila, an endangered species. 1970. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Kaohe Game Management Area, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Mamane-naio forest, Birds eggs
The Hawaiian Endangered Bird Partnership for Captive Propagation and Associated Programs - five-year workplan (2001-2005). 2002. Database: Monographs. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi, Endangered species birds, Birds conservation, Birds protection, Captive breeding
The Palila : an endangered Hawaiian bird. 1979. Database: Monographs. Birds Hawaii, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species
The present status of the birds of Hawaii. 1970. Database: Periodicals. Bird populations, Endangered species birds, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Akiapolaau, Hemignathus munroi
Translocation of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Translocation, Endangered species birds, Kanakaleonui
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