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Search our Research Catalog - “Jupiter”

Your search for keywords “Jupiter” returned 8 results. You may search again below.

TenBruggencate, Jan. Astronomers giddy over Jupiter-bashing: Comet putting on spectacular show. 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Astronomy, Photographs

TenBruggencate, Jan. Isle lenses to catch crash into Jupiter. 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Mauna Kea Observatories, Astronomy

n/a. "Jupiter crash: Hawaii at the forefront" and "Mauna Kea skies clear for comet". 1994. Database: Akiyama. Astronomy, Mauna Kea, Jupiter, Comets, Shoemaker Levi 9

TenBruggencate, Jan. "Jupiter hit" and "Keck telescope gets an eyeful of redshift". 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Keck Observatory, Astronomy

Wainscoat, Richard, Jewitt, David. "Technological advances help capture a great show by Jove" and "Astronomers shed light on dark matter". 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Mauna Kea Observatories, UH 2.2-meter telescope, Astronomy, Institute for Astronomy

n/a. "The Fieriest one-two punch: Comet's brightest chunks due to hit Jupiter" and "Emotions peak atop Mauna Kea". 1994. Database: Akiyama. Jupiter, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Mauna Kea, Astronomy

Whitney, Scott. The Light on White Mountain. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Crab Nebula, Jupiter, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Keck Observatory, Comet Hale-Bopp, Kuiper Belt, Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), UH 2.2-meter telescope, Photographs

Tokunaga, Alan. Voyager 1 televises amazing show on Jupiter satellite. 1985. Database: Akiyama. Voyager 1, Jupiter, Io, Institute for Astronomy (IfA), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF)

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