Search our Research Catalog - “Insects alpine climate”
Your search for keywords “Insects alpine climate” returned 21 results. You may search again below.
A remarkable new micropterous Nysius species from the aeolian zone of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). 1983. Database: Periodicals. Puu Wekiu, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Aeolian ecosystems, Insects alpine climate, Insects Mauna Kea
Adaptations of terrestrial arthropods to the alpine environment. 1989. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate
Aeolian communities: Mt. Saint Helens and Mauna Kea. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Mount Saint Helens, Insects Mauna Kea, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola
Alpine predator: the amazing wekiu bug thrives in Mauna Kea cold. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems
Antifreeze agents of terrestrial arthropods. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate
Application of agriculture-developed demographic analysis for the conservation of the Hawaiian Alpine Wekiu Bug. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate
Applied conservation research of the wekiu bug in Hawaii: life table analysis, population genetics, and phylogenetics create a holistic view of a rare and unique species. 2012. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species, Insects alpine climate
Arthropods of alpine Aeolian ecosystems. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Mountain ecology
Buffer zone lichen, arthropod and botanical inventory and assessment: Thirty Meter Telescope project, Mauna Kea science reserve, northern plateau, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii. 2012. Database: EIS. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Environmental impact analysis, Arthropods surveying Mauna Kea, Botanical surveying Mauna Kea, Lichen, Wekiu bug, Insects alpine climate
Entomologists discover new life. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems
Flightless hawaiian Hamerobiidae (Neuroptera): comparative morphology and biology of a brachypterous species, its macropterous relative and intermediate forms. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Micromus usingeri, Micromus longispinosus, Brachyptery, Larvae, Life history, Morphology, Insects flightless, Insects alpine climate, Insects Mauna Kea, Insects Hualalai
High altitude aeolian ecosystems in the Hawaiian Islands. 1980. Database: Monographs. Aeolian ecosystems, High altitude, Insects Mauna Kea, Insects Mauna Loa, Insects Haleakala, Insects alpine climate
Insects from the summit of Mauna Kea. 1932. Database: Periodicals. Insects Mauna Kea, Lake Waiau, Insects alpine climate
Life history and captive rearing of the Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola, Lygaeidae), an alpine carnivore endemic to the Mauna Kea volcano of Hawaii. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems
Nysius wekiuicola. 1986. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Aeolian ecosystems
Oceans: Life on the lava flows. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects alpine climate, Spiders
Results of a preliminary Wekiu bug survey along HELCO power line conduit lines near Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve (Mauna Kea, Hawaii): July 13-15, 2011. 2011. Database: Monographs. Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Endangered species, Wekiu bug surveys, Insects alpine climate
Subzero temperature adaptations in arthropods from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Wekiu bug, Nysius wekiuicola, Insects Mauna Kea, Spiders, Caterpillars
Subzero temperature tolerance in spiders: the role of thermal-hysteresis-factors. 1979. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate, Spiders
The role of abiotic conditions in shaping the long-term patterns of a high-elevation Argentine ant invasion. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Argentine ant, Invasive ants, Insects alpine climate
The role of hemolymph proteins in the cold tolerance of insects. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Insects alpine climate
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