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Search our Research Catalog - “IRTF”

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University of Hawaii,. Conservation District Use Application for UKIRT and IRTF. 1975. Database: EIS. Conservation District Use Application (CDUA), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF)

EDAW,, University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Draft environmental impact statement : existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hawaii County, Hawaii. March 1975.. 1975. Database: EIS. Hydrology, Infrared astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Krisciunas, Kevin. Eclipse science from Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Solar Eclipse, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration,. Environmental impact analysis of the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, July 1975. 1975. Database: EIS. Environmental impact analysis, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Mauna Kea

EDAW, Inc.. Final environmental impact statement: existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, County of Hawaii. 1975. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Observatory, Hydrology, Infrared astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Clark, Hugh. "Isle telescope project subject of a controversy", "Panel questions telescope design: but Isle project still a go", and "UH gets pact to run Mauna Kea telescope". 1993. Database: Akiyama. Gemini Observatory, Mirrors, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), Institute for Astronomy

Borg, Jim. "Jupiter-size body found; may be 'brown dwarf'" and "Kormondy said against shift of UH institute". 1987. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea Observatories, Infrared Telescope Facility, IRTF, Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Exoplanets, University of Hawaii at Hilo

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. 2002. Database: Monographs. NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities(IRTF)

Kroese, Ron. Newest telescope in use on Big Isle. 1979. Database: Akiyama. Telescopes, Dedications, NASA IRTF, Infrared Telescope Facility

Perala, Andrew. Of gods and Martians' Earth's neighbor inspires us. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Na Kilo Hoku o Mauna Kea, Mars, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF)

Wagner, Peter, Hastings, Barbara. "UH wins contract to Help Develop Space Telescope" and "Big Isle sighting may aid Yoyager's Neptune trip". 1985. Database: Akiyama. Institute for Astronomy (IfA), Hubble Space Telescope, Voyager, Neptune, Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF)

Tokunaga, Alan. Voyager 1 televises amazing show on Jupiter satellite. 1985. Database: Akiyama. Voyager 1, Jupiter, Io, Institute for Astronomy (IfA), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF)

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