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Search our Research Catalog - “History”

Your search for keywords “History” returned 94 results. You may search again below.

Stearns, Harold T.. 6. Island of Hawaii - Mauna Kea. 1966. Database: Monographs. Geology Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea photographs

Steiger, Walter. A brief history of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. 2008. Database: Monographs. Astronomy Hawaii history, Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), Mauna Kea history

Hooker, W.J. Sir. A brief memoir of the life of Mr. David Douglas, with extracts from his letters. 1836. Database: Monographs. Douglas, David, 1799-1834, Hawaii history

Medeiros, Matthew C., Freed, Leonard A.. A fledgling-mass threshold greatly affects juvenile survival in the Hawaii Akepa (Loxops Coccineus Coccineus). 2009. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Akepa, Loxops coccineus, Life history

West, Michael. A gentle rain of starlight: the story of astronomy on Mauna Kea. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history

Ellis, William. A narrative of an 1823 tour of Hawaii or Owhyhee : with remarks on the history, traditions, manners, customs and language of the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands. 2003. Database: Monographs. Ellis, William, 1794-1872, Ethnology Hawaii, Missions Hawaii, Hawaii description and travel, Hawaii social life and customs, Hawaii history

Cordy, Ross H., Hawaii Historic Preservation Division,. A regional synthesis of Hamakua District, Hawaii Island. 1994. Database: Monographs. Archaeological surveying Hamakua District, Archaeological surveying Waipio Valley, Hamakua District antiquities, Waipio Valley antiquities, Hawaiians social life and customs, Hawaii history

Bingham, Hiram. A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands; or, The civil, religious, and political history of those islands. 1847. Database: Monographs. Missions Hawaii, Hawaii history, Hawaiians social life and customs

Baldwin, E. D.. A trip to the summit of Mauna Kea. 1890. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea description and travel, Lake Waiau

Campbell, A.. A voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812. 1816. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa, Voyages around the world, Hawaii history

King, James, Cook, James. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of his majesty for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America, its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a Northern passage to Europe .... 1785. Database: Monographs. Voyages around the world, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa, Hawaii history

Duffy, Deidre. An historical analysis of hunting in Hawaii. 2010. Database: Monographs. Hunting, Hawaii history

Jefferies, John T.. Astronomy in Hawaii 1964 -1970. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Astronomy Mauna Kea history

Krisciunas, Kevin. Astronomy’s love affair with Mauna Kea. 1985. Database: Akiyama. Astronomy, Mauna Kea - Early Account, History, Gerard P. Kuiper, Akiyama, Mitsuo, Ellis, Howard, Herring, Alika

Dutton, C.E.. Chapter VII. From Hilo to Mauna Kea, Chapter VIII. Mauna Kea. 1884. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Lava flows

Bates, George W.. Chapter XXIX: journey to the summit of Mauna Kea. 1854. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea description and travel, Mauna Kea history, Trees, Mosses, Volcanoes

Hotchkiss, Sara, Vitousek, Peter M., Chadwick, Oliver A., Price, Jonathan. Climate cycles, geomorphological change, and the interpretation of soil and ecosystem development. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Soil development, Climate history, Climatic changes, Erosion, Subsidences, Ecosystem development

Businger, Steven. Climatological analysis of Mauna Loa Observatory weather data. 2009. Database: Monographs. Mauna Loa, Climate history, Meteorological data Mauna Loa

Bryan, E. H., Jr.. Climbing Hawaii's highest mountain. 1935. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea description and travel, Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea, Natural history Mauna Kea, Lake Waiau, Humuula, Hawaiian Academy of Science

Doyle, Emma Lyons. David Douglas. 1953. Database: Monographs. Douglas, David, 1799-1834, Hawaii description and travel, Mauna Kea description and travel, Hawaii history

Bloxam, Andrew, Jones, Stella M.. Diary of Andrew Bloxam, naturalist of the "Blonde" on her trip from England to the Hawaiian islands, 1824-25. 1925. Database: Monographs. Blonde (Ship), Natural history, Hawaii description and travel

Brackenridge, W. D.. Excerpt of Journal of William D. Brackenridge, Wilkes Expedition, Sept. 24, 1840 to Feb. 29, 1841. 1841. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa, Kilauea Volcano

Parker, Barry. Excerpts from Stairway to the stars: The Story of the World's Largest Observatory. 1994. Database: Akiyama. Parker, Barry, Mauna Kea, History

Scowcroft, Paul G.. Fine litterfall and leaf decomposition in a montane koa-ohia rain forest. 1986. Database: Monographs. Biology congresses, Natural history congresses, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park congresses, Ecology, Acacia koa

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Five decades of discovery. 2017. Database: Monographs. Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Astronomy Mauna Kea history, Astronomy Hawaii History

Tauber, Catherine A., Tauber, Maurice J., Giffin, Jon G.. Flightless hawaiian Hamerobiidae (Neuroptera): comparative morphology and biology of a brachypterous species, its macropterous relative and intermediate forms. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Micromus usingeri, Micromus longispinosus, Brachyptery, Larvae, Life history, Morphology, Insects flightless, Insects alpine climate, Insects Mauna Kea, Insects Hualalai

Anslow, Faron S., Clark, Peter U., Kurz, Mark D., Hostetler, Steven W.. Geochronology and paleoclimatic implications of the last deglaciation of the Mauna Kea Ice Cap, Hawaii. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Paleoclimatology Mauna Kea, Glaciers, Glaciation, Geochronology, Climate history

Peterson, Donald W., Moore, R. B.. Geologic history and evolution of geologic concepts, Island of Hawaii. 1987. Database: Monographs. Geologic history Hawaii Island, Volcanic eruptions, Morphology

Sheldon, Nathan D.. Geological notes: Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate cycles in Hawaii. 2006. Database: Periodicals. Climatic changes, Climate history, Glaciation, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project

Stearns, Harold T.. Geology - Island of Hawaii - Mauna Kea. 1946. Database: Monographs. Geology Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea photographs

Stearns, Harold T.. Geology of Mauna Kea. 1946. Database: Monographs. Geology Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history

Jarves, James Jackson. Gleanings from the editor's note book - Hawaii. No. 1. 1840. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa Volcano, Missions Hawaii, Hawaii Island history, Hualalai

Tomich, P. Quentin. Hawaii : perspectives on Hamakua history : ramblings through an ancient land division of Hawaii island. 2008. Database: Monographs. Hawaii Island history, Hamakua District antiquities, Mauna Kea history, Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island description and travel

King, Samuel Wilder. Hawaiians as navigators and seaman. 1925. Database: Monographs. Hawaii history, Navigation Polynesia

Maly, Kepa. He Wahi Moolelo no Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, a Me Ka Aina Mauna o Hawaii: a historical overview of the lands of Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, and the mountain lands of Hawaii (Districts of Hilo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii). 2004. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Archaeological surveying Mauna Kea

Mills, Peter R., White, Carolyn L., Barna, Benjamin. Humuʻula: an archaeological perspective of Hawaiian ranching and the pacific hide and tallow trade, TMK 3-8-01:9 (draft report Spring 2011). 2011. Database: Monographs. University of Hawaii at Hilo, Archaeological surveying Hakalau Region, Ranching Hawaii, Hawaii Island history, Hawaii social life and customs

Alexander, W.D., Kamakau, S.M.. Instructions in ancient Hawaiian astronomy as taught by Kaneakanoowaha, one of the counselors of Kamehameha I, according to S.M. Kamakau. 1891. Database: Monographs. Kamakau, Samuel Manaiakalani 1815-1876, Astronomy Hawaii History

Choris, Ludovik. Isles Sandwich (English translation of the first two pages). 1822. Database: Monographs. Voyages around the world, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa, Hualalai, Hawaii history, Volcanoes Hawaii Island

n/a. Japanese newspaper clippings and magazine articles. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope, Mauna Kea Observatories

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Dr. Robert W. Hiatt from Mr. Akiyama December 22, 1964. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Mauna Kea history

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Ken Hirayama from Mr. Akiyama March 20, 2001. 2001. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Krisciunas, Kevin. Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Kevin Krisciunas May 21, 1984 . 1984. Database: Akiyama. Correspondence, Mauna Kea history

Reinartz, James A.. Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) I. Latitudinal differences in population dynamics and timing of reproduction. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Mullein, Varbascum thapsus, Life history

Reinartz, James A.. Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) II. Plant size, biomass partitioning and morphology. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Mullein, Varbascum thapsus, Life history

Reinartz, James A.. Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) III. Differences among sequential cohorts. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Mullein, Varbascum thapsus, Life history

Naylor, Emerald. Mauna Kea - construction site or sacred land? A look at the long-lasting effects of the Hawaiian annexation. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Hawaii history, Hawaiians politics and government

Maly, Kepa, Maly, Onaona, Kumu Pono Associates.. Mauna Kea - ka piko kaulana o ka aina : Appendix A. A collection of oral history interviews documenting historical accounts and recollections of Mauna Kea and the mountain lands of Hamakua, Hilo and South Kohala, on the Island of Hawaii. 2006. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Hawaii social life and customs

Maly, Kepa. Mauna Kea - Ka piko kaulana o kaaina : the famous summit of the land. 2003. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history

Cruikshank, Dale P., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy,. Mauna Kea : a guide to the upper slopes and observatories. 1986. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Natural history Mauna Kea, Astronomy Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea description and travel, Geology Mauna Kea

Krisciunas, Kevin, Weisel, Dorian. Mauna Kea : pinnacle of the Pacific. 1999. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Waldrop, M. Mitchell. Mauna Kea (I): Halfway to space. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Kuiper, Gerard P., 1905-1973.

Waldrop, M.M.. Mauna Kea (II): coming of age. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Jefferies, John T., United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Bryan, E. H.. Mauna Kea here we come : the inside story of a scientific expedition. 1979. Database: Monographs. Natural history Mauna Kea, Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea description and travel

Maly, Kepa, Maly, Onaona, Kumu Pono Associates,, University of Hawaii at Hilo Office of Mauna Kea Management,. Mauna Kea, ka piko kaulana o kaaina : Mauna Kea, the famous summit of the land. 2005. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history

Corbin, Amy. Mauna Kea: sacred land. 2007. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Sacred sites, Hawaiians social life and customs

Cisco, Dan. Miscellaneous sports S-Z, skiing, snowboarding, strend. 1999. Database: Monographs. Sports Hawaii History, Sports records Hawaii

Kagawa, Bernadette. Mitsuo Akiyama. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Kagawa, Bernadette. Mitsuo Akiyama: wind beneath Mauna Kea's flight to the stars. 1991. Database: Akiyama. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Mauna Kea history, Kuiper, Gerard

n/a. More telescopes for Mauna Kea. 1972. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)

Hooker, W.J. Sir. Mr. Douglas' voyage from the Columbia to the Sandwich Islands, and the ascent of Mouna Roa. 1836. Database: Monographs. Douglas, David, 1799-1834, Hawaii history, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa

Ellis, Howard. My Mauna Kea connection. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Hawaii Island history

Townsend, John Kirk. Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, & c., with a scientific appendix. 2003. Database: Monographs. Northwest Pacific description and travel, Rocky Mountains description and travel, Hawaii description and travel, Townsend, John Kirk, 1809-1851, Overland journeys to the Pacific, Natural history Northwest Pacific, Natural history Rocky Mountains, Natural history

Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (excerpts). 1970. Database: Monographs. United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842), Oceania discovery and exploration, Hawaii description and travel, Hawaii Island history, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hilo Hawaii

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on contact with "Weekly Post" magazine staff from October 30 to November 6, 1998. 1998. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on further contact with NHK staff and Weekly Post staff from December 2, 1998 to January 29, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on Sakae Tazaki and from January 11 to May 5, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on Subaru Telescope office in Hilo from February 9 to July 28, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope

Herring, Alika. Observations of Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1966. Database: Periodicals. Astronomy, Site surveys, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Steiger, Walter. Origins of astronomy in Hawaii. 1995. Database: Monographs. Astronomy Hawaii history, Navigation Polynesia, Mauna Kea history

n/a. Photographs of Gerard Kuiper, Helene Hale, and Governor Burns at the Mauna Kea dedication ceremony July 1964. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Pukui, Mary Kawena, Elbert, Samuel H., Mookini, Esther T.. Place names of Hawaii. Revised and expanded edition. 1974. Database: Monographs. Names geographical Hawaii, Hawaiian language etymology names, Hawaii history, Hawaiian language etymology names dictionaries, Hawaii gazetteers, Names geographical Hawaii dictionary

Jefferies, John T., Sinton, William M.. Progress at Mauna Kea Observatory. 1968. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Astronomical observatories design and construction, University of Hawaii 2.2 m Telescope, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute for Astronomy

Maly, Kepa. Reference to and incorporation of Mauna Kea, historical research and oral history interviews in planning documents (KPA REPORT HiMK21-020199). 1999. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

University of Hawaii at Hilo,. Removal of Mauna Kea's first telescope marks end of era, UH Hilo press release. 2008. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Telescopes

Roelofs, Faith, Moanalua Gardens Foundation,. Saddle sojourn, Saddle Road, Big Island. 1994. Database: Monographs. Natural history Hawaii Island study and teaching (elementary), Environmental education Hawaii Island, Ecology study and teaching (elementary) Hawaii Island, Hawaii antiquities

Jarves, James Jackson. Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands and a trip through Central America: being observations from my note-book during the years 1837-1842. 1843. Database: Monographs. Hawaii history

Bryan, E. H., Jr.. Scientists and U.S. Army cooperating conquer Mauna Kea. 1935. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea description and travel, Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea, Natural history Mauna Kea, Lake Waiau, Humuula, Hawaiian Academy of Science

Parker, Barry. Stairway to the stars: the story of the world's largest observatory. 1994. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Astronomical observatories, Astronomy Mauna Kea history, Astronomers

Bayman, James M.. Stone adze economies in post-contact Hawaii. 2003. Database: Monographs. Adzes economic aspects Hawaii, Adzes social aspects Hawaii, Archaeology, Hawaii Island history

Menviel, Laurie. Study of Lake Waiau (Big Island of Hawaii) sediments as a possible paleoclimatologic record: identification and isolation of diatoms from Lake Waiau sediments. Database: Monographs. Lake Waiau, Climate history

Dolan, Elizabeth. Telescopes on Mauna Kea: Culture, history and astronomy (Student Paper). 2000. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea Science Reserve management

Nakamura, Jadelyn J. Moniz. The archaeology of human foraging and bird resources on the island of Hawaii: the evolutionary ecology of avian predation, resource intensification, extirpation, and extinction. 1999. Database: Monographs. Extinct birds Hawaii Island, Nature effect of human beings on Hawaii Island, Fowling Hawaii Island history, Extinction (biology) Hawaii Island, Birds Hawaii Island

Bird, Isabella L.. The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. 1875. Database: Monographs. Hawaii description and travel, Mauna Kea description and travel, Hawaii Island history

Van Riper, Charles. The influence of food supplementation upon the reproductive strategy and movement patterns in the Hawaii amakihi (Loxops virens). 1976. Database: Monographs. Natural history congresses, Biology research, National parks and reserves congresses, Amakihi, Loxops virens

Coffman, Tom. The island edge of America: a political history of Hawaii. 2003. Database: Monographs. Hawaii history, Hawaii description and travel

Stone, Scott C. S.. The island of Hawaii : from sail to space. 1997. Database: Monographs. Hawaii Island history, Hawaii Island pictorial works

Westervelt, W. D.. The law of the splintered paddle. 1923. Database: Monographs. Hawaii history, Legends

Dvorak, John. The origin of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. 2011. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Hawaii Island history

Bergin, Billy. The Saddle House; a historical perspective. Parts I and II. 2003. Database: Monographs. Hawaii Island history, Saddle House, Cattle, Ranching Hawaii

Beaglehole, J. C.. The voyage of the resolution and discovery 1776-1780. 1955. Database: Monographs. Voyages around the world, Oceania discovery and exploration, Hawaii history, Hawaii description and travel

Corson, Max. The world's highest astronomical observatory. 1970. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea history, Kuiper, Gerard P., 1905-1973.

Pickles, Andrew. Timeline of astronomy in Hawaii. 2003. Database: Monographs. Astronomy Hawaii history, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Chauvin, Michael. Useful and conceptual astronomy in ancient Hawaii. 2000. Database: Monographs. Astronomy Hawaii History, Archaeoastronomy Hawaii, Navigation Polynesia, Hawaii antiquities

Fleurieu, C. P. Claret. Voyage round the world during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792, chapter 1. 1801. Database: Monographs. Voyages around the world, Hawaii history, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Loa

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