Search our Research Catalog - “Global warming”
Your search for keywords “Global warming” returned 9 results. You may search again below.
Ancient Hawaiian glaciers reveal clues to global climate impacts. 2010. Database: Monographs. Glaciers, Global warming, Climate changes
Climate change in Hawaii's mountains. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Climatic changes, Trade wind inversion, Global warming, Temperature measurements, Birds habitat, Birds diseases
Drying out the tropics. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Ocean temperature Pacific, Climatic changes, Global warming, Ocean acidification
Influence of the trade-wind inversion on the climate of a leeward mountain slope in Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Climate Haleakala, Microclimates, Temperature inversion, Trade wind inversion, Wind effects, Global warming
Introduced avian diseases, climate change, and the future of Hawaiian honeycreepers. 2009. Database: Periodicals. Avian malaria, Birds Hawaii, Global warming
Massive Ice Loss from the Mauna Loa Icecave, Hawaii. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Loa, Permafrost, Global warming, Lava tubes
New study shows 'massive ice loss' in Mauna Loa ice cave. 2015. Database: Monographs. Mauna Loa, Permafrost, Global warming
Observed trends in temperature, inversion characteristics, and rainfall in Hawaii. 2011. Database: Monographs. Climate changes, Ocean temperature Pacific, Global warming
There’s a massive, icy underworld hiding inside one of Hawaii’s volcanoes. 2016. Database: Monographs. Mauna Loa, Permafrost, Global warming
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