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Search our Research Catalog - “Geomagnetism”

Your search for keywords “Geomagnetism” returned 10 results. You may search again below.

Bauer, G. R.. A comparative study of the vertical magnetic component and magnetic susceptibility on the volcanoes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1967. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Mauna Loa volcano, Basalt, Geomagnetism

Peng, Lei, King, John W.. A late quaternary geomagnetic secular variation record from Lake Waiau, Hawaii, and the question of the Pacific nondipole low. 1992. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Lake sediments, Geomagnetism secular variations

Peng, Lei. A late quaternary record of geomagnetic secular variation and volcanic activity from Lake Waiau, Hawaii. 1991. Database: Monographs. Volcanoes, Geomagnetism secular variations, Lake Waiau, Lake sediments

Hildenbrand, Thomas G., Rosenbaum, Joseph G., Kauahikaua, James P.. Aeromagnetic study of the Island of Hawaii. 1993. Database: Periodicals. Geomagnetism secular variations

Holcomb, R. T., Chapman, D. E., McWilliams, M. O.. Dating recent Hawaiian lava flows using paleomagnetic secular variation. 1986. Database: Periodicals. Geomagnetism secular variations, Geomagnetic field inclination

Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project Team,. Hawaii scientific drilling project: summary of preliminary results. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Geochemistry, Geomagnetism, Volcanism, Petrology Hawaii Island

Hagstrum, Jonathan T., Champion, Duane E.. Late quaternary geomagnetic secular variation from historical and (super 14) C-dated lava flows on Hawaii. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Geology Mauna Kea, Lake Waiau, Geomagnetism secular variations

Morris, R.V., Golden, D.C., Ming, D.W., Shelfer, T.D., Jorgensen, L.C., Bell, J.F. III, Graff, T.G., Mertzman, S.A.. Phyllosilicate-poor palagonitic dust from Mauna Kea Volcano (Hawaii): A mineralogical analogue for magnetic Martian dust?. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Mars Exploration Rover, Trace elements, Geomagnetism

Garnier, Florence, Laj, Carlo, Herrero-Bervera, Emilio, Kissel, Catherine, Thomas, D.M.. Preliminary determinations of geomagnetic field intensity for the last 400 kyr from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core, Big Island, Hawaii. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Geology Mauna Kea, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Geomagnetism

Canon-Tapia, Edgardo, Walker, George P.L., Herrero-Bervera, Emilio. The internal structure of lava flows-insights from AMS measurements I: Near-vent aa. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Lava flows, Geology Mauna Kea, Geomagnetism

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