Search our Research Catalog - “Foraging behavior”
Your search for keywords “Foraging behavior” returned 10 results. You may search again below.
Distribution and foraging habits of dark-rumped petrel (pterodroma phaeopygia) in the eastern tropical pacific. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrel, Foraging behavior
Effects of plant species and foliage structure on the foraging behavior of forest birds. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Foraging behavior
Foraging behavior of a vertebrate omnivore (Rattus Rattus): meal structure, sampling, and diet breadth. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Foraging behavior, Galapagos, Nutrition, Rats, Rattus rattus
Foraging behavior of forest birds: the relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Foraging behavior, Birds food, Diet, Forest birds, Vegetation structure
Hawaiian honeycreeper home range size varies with habitat: implications for native acacia koa forestry. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Acacia koa, Akiapolaau, Foraging behavior, Forests and forestry, Habitat conservation, Hemignathus munroi, Home range, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Old-growth forest conservation, Territoriality (zoology), Reforestation
Seed chemistry of Sophora chrysophylla (mamane) in relation to diet of specialist avian seed predator Loxiodes bailleui (palila) in Hawaii. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Cydia, Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Moths, Foraging behavior, Endangered species birds, Birds food, Cydia
Structure and dynamics of mixed-species flocks in a Hawaiian rain forest. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Akepa, Loxops coccineus, Endangered species birds, Foraging behavior, Hawaii Creeper, Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Endangered species birdsForaging behaviorHakalau Forest National Wildlife RefugeHawaii AkepaHawaii CreeperLoxops coccineus
Systematic foraging by a nectar-feeding bird, the Amakihi (Loxop virens). 1978. Database: Periodicals. Amakihi, Loxops virens, Foraging behavior
Threshold model of feeding territoriality and test with a Hawaiian Honeycreeper. 1976. Database: Periodicals. Iiwi, Vestiaria coccinea, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanidinae, Birds habitat, Foraging behavior, Territoriality (zoology)
Within-territory division of foraging space by male and female Amakihi (Loxops Virens). 1982. Database: Periodicals. Amakihi, Loxops virens, Foraging behavior, Mamane
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