Search our Research Catalog - “First Light”
Your search for keywords “First Light” returned 12 results. You may search again below.
Astronomical images from the Subaru Telescope. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First Light, Photographs
First images taken by incomplete Keck ‘scope. 1990. Database: Akiyama. Keck Observatory, Astronomy, Nelson, Jerry, First light
First Light a first step toward full observing. 1999. Database: Akiyama. First Light, Subaru Telescope, Na Kilo Hoku o Mauna Kea, Gemini Observatory
First Light for Japan's New Giant. 1999. Database: Akiyama. First Light, Subaru Telescope, Orion nebula, Photographs
First Light on Mauna Kea: the $300 million project hits a milestone today with its first usable picture. 1999. Database: Akiyama. First Light, Subaru Telescope, Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro
Keck’s starlight star bright as first stars at site. 1990. Database: Akiyama. Keck Observatory, Astronomy, Nelson, Jerry, First light
Results of Subaru Telescope First Light (in English and Japanese). 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First Light
Subaru Telescope First Light Image. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First Light
Subaru Telescope first light image: Saturn and Jupiter, Orion Nebula, Orion KL Region, Part of Andromeda Galaxy (M31), NGC4051, Hickson Compact Group 40, PG1115+080 (Gravitational Lens), CI0939+47 (Abell 851), The Most Distant Quasar zt z=5.0. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First Light, Astronomy
Subaru telescope sees 'first light'. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First light
Subaru: New telescope’s images dazzle astronomers (1999: a space peek). 1999. Database: Akiyama. Subaru Telescope, First Light, Photographs
Twin Kecks to scope out past: paired as binoculars, they will rocket UH to astronomical eminence. 1991. Database: Akiyama. W.M. Keck Observatory, Astronomy, Nelson, Jerry, First light, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
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