UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Search our Research Catalog - “Fires”

Your search for keywords “Fires” returned 15 results. You may search again below.

Neil, Christopher. "Contractor fined $135,000 in Big Isle observatory fire" and "Contractor fined for Mauna Kea fire". 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope

Weise, David R., Stephens, Scott L., Fujioka, Francis M., Moody, Tadashi J., Benoit, John. Estimation of Fire Danger in Hawai'i Using Limited Weather Data and Simulation. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Fire risk assessment, Wildfires, Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), Palila, Mamane-naio forest

TenBruggencate, Jan, Clark, Hugh. Fire on Mauna Kea kills 3. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope

Kua, Crystal. Fire victim was a fun-loving man. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope

Smith, Dave. Heroism saved many more lives: witness tells how workers repeatedly enter danger area. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope, Heroism

Tanahara, Kris M.. Keck II observatory escapes insulation fire undamaged. 1993. Database: Akiyama. Keck Observatory, Fires

Beavers, Andrew M.. Mauna Kea wildland fire management plan. 2011. Database: Monographs. Fire management, Mauna Kea, Wildfires, Palila, Birds habitat

Waite, David. Neighbors will give their all, even on isolated Mauna Kea. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Keck Observatory, Subaru Telescope

U. S. Army Garrison Hawaii,. Pohakuloa Training Area standing operating procedures. Database: Monographs. Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), Fire management, Wildfires

n/a. "Police: 3 die of smoke inhalation in observatory fire", "Fire safety on Mauna Kea", and "Work on telescope still stalled". 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope, Mauna Kea safety

Scowcroft, Paul G., Wood, Hulton B.. Reproduction of Acacia koa after fire. 1976. Database: Periodicals. Koa, Acacia koa, Wildfires, Fire Ecology

n/a. "Telescope construction resuming at Mauna Kea", "Club stands back on observatory issue", "No foul play in observatory fire", "Notice of Completion", and "Three roads affected in transfer of lens". 1996. Database: Akiyama. Telescope construction, Subaru Telescope, Sierra Club, Mauna Kea, Fires, Mirror transportation

Smith, Dave. Three die in fire at Japan observatory. 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope, Construction

McDuffie, Ann, Waite, David. "Victims of Mauna Kea fire needed the work: three construction workers lived, died on the summit", "Observatory staffs endure cold, snow for premier view" and "Another lawsuit filed over fire on Mauna Kea". 1996. Database: Akiyama. Mauna Kea, Fires, Subaru Telescope, Telescope construction, Altitude Mountain Sickness, Lawsuits

Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML),. Wildland fire management plan and critical habitat risk analysis for the Hawaiian Volcano, Mauna Kea. 2011. Database: Monographs. Fire management, Mauna Kea, Wildfires, Palila, Birds habitat

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