Search our Research Catalog - “Civilian Conservation Corps”
Your search for keywords “Civilian Conservation Corps” returned 3 results. You may search again below.
Final report Architectural inventory survey for Hale Pohaku rest house 1 and 2 and comfort station, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. TMK (3)4-4-015: 12 (por.) (February 2010). 2010. Database: EIS. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Architectural surveys Mauna Kea, Hale Pohaku
Lake Waiau of Hawaii. 1939. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Hale Pohaku, Civilian Conservation Corps
Wild sheep in Hawaii. 1937. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea Forest Reserve, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Civilian Conservation Corps
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