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Search our Research Catalog - “Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea”

Your search for keywords “Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea” returned 178 results. You may search again below.

West, Michael. A gentle rain of starlight: the story of astronomy on Mauna Kea. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history

Lieberman, Bruce. Almost heaven: landing the Thirty Meter Telescope fortifies Mauna Kea's position as earth's eye on the sky. 2009. Database: Monographs. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Quinn, Max. America's national parks - "Hawaii volcanoes". 2011. Database: Monographs. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Hansen, Richard T., Hansen, Shirley F., Price, Saul.. An example of meteorological considerations in selecting an observatory site in Hawaii. 1966. Database: Periodicals. Atmospheric effects site survey, Telescopes, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Haleakala

Keystone Center,. Assessment of the risks for sitting the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea. 2007. Database: Monographs. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Reichhardt, Tony. Astronomers bargain for use of 'sacred' site. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Selingo, Jeffrey. Astronomers, in search of the best views, confront history and politics in Hawaii. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Astronomers, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Weber, Carol Banks. Astronomy's last frontier makes home on Mauna Kea. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Smithonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Submillimeter Array (SMA), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

The Auditor, State of Hawaii. Audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii. 1998. Database: Monographs. University of Hawaii at Manoa Institute for Astronomy Auditing, Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources auditing, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Science Reserve Management

Serafin, Peter. Bad science. 2006. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Motion pictures Mauna Kea reviews

Hollier, Dennis. Big glass and the age of new astronomy: the fight to put a monster telescope on Mauna Kea is part of a bigger war looming among astronomers. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Wong, Stacy. Bugs versus stars?. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Wekiu bug, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Endangered species

Wainscoat, Richard. Case study 16.4: Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii, USA. 2010. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Science Reserve management, Mauna Kea environmental aspects

da Silva, Sara Couto. Climatological analysis of meteorological observations at the summit of Mauna Kea. 2006. Database: Monographs. Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Meteorological data Mauna Kea, Climate

Mull, Mae E.. Comments on proposed 10-meter telescope for Mauna Kea. 1982. Database: Periodicals. California Institute of Technology, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea

Merrill, Kenneth Michael. Comparison study of astronomical site quality of Mount Graham and Mauna Kea. 1987. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes

Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources,. Department of Land and Natural Resources sustainability hotspot: Mauna Kea, Big Island of Hawaii. 2004. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Science Reserve Management

n/a. Do gods need telescopes?. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

EDAW,, University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Draft environmental impact statement : existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hawaii County, Hawaii. March 1975.. 1975. Database: EIS. Hydrology, Infrared astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Engineering-Science,. Environmental assessment for the Gemini Northern 8-meter telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1993. Database: EIS. Gemini Observatory, Environmental impact analysis, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

European Southern Observatory,. ESPAS site summary series: Mauna Kea. 2003. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Site surveys, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy

Morrison, D., Murphy, R.E., Cruikshank, D.P., Sinton, W.M., Martin, T.Z.. Evaluation of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as an observatory site. 1973. Database: Periodicals. Site surveys, Photometry, Atmospheric effects site survey, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Kahea. Fact sheet: growing industrial park threatens future of Mauna Kea's summit, a better future for Mauna a Wakea Hawaii's sacred summit. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Kahea. Fact sheet: new massive 18-story telescope complex proposed for Mauna Kea, law calls for restoration for Mauna Kea, not more development. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Wong, Sterling Kini. Federal judge rules on OHA's suit against UH, NASA: Mauna Kea telescopes expansion delayed. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

EDAW, Inc.. Final environmental impact statement: existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, County of Hawaii. 1975. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Observatory, Hydrology, Infrared astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis, NASA Infrared Telescope Facilities (IRTF), United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

MCM Planning,, University of Hawaii,. Final supplemental environmental impact statement for construction camp housing, amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan. Hale Pohaku, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1985. Database: EIS. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis, Employees' buildings and facilities, Hale Pohaku

Hawaii Legislature, Office of the Legislative Auditor,. Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii. 2005. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve Management, Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute for Astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea Management, Conservation of natural resources government policy Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea

Hawaii. Legislature. Office of the Legislative Auditor,. Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii. 2014. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve Management, Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute for Astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea Management, Conservation of natural resources government policy Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea

Hawaii. Legislature. Office of the Legislative Auditor,. Follow-up on Recommendations from Report No. 14-07, Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii. 2017. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve Management, Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute for Astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea Management, Conservation of natural resources government policy Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea

Cowen, Ron. Getting a clear view; A good telescope gets even better. 2000. Database: Periodicals. W.M. Keck Observatory, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Anderson, Ian. Going up in Hawaii : the world’s largest telescope (Pacific Beat). 1986. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, W.M. Keck Observatory, California Institute of Technology

n/a. Hawaii in the stars. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy economic aspects

Hawaii County Workforce Investment Board,, Mauna Kea Observatories,. Hawaii Island astronomy workforce opportunities 2010-2023. 2010. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy economic aspects

Penisten, John. Hawaii's Mauna Kea observatory. 1985. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Acute mountain sickness (AMS)

Herhold, Abby Starr. Hawaii's Thirty Meter Telescope, construction of the world's largest telescope on a sacred temple. 2015. Database: Monographs. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Mauna Kea, Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Morrison, David, Jefferies, John T.. Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory today. 1972. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Da Silva, Sara. High altitude climate of the Island of Hawaii. 2012. Database: Monographs. Climate, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Meteorological data Mauna Loa, Meteorological data Mauna Kea

Wong, Sterling Kini. High and dry; NASA pulls funding for Mauna Kea scope project. 2006. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

Graham, Rex. High-tech twin towers. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Chile, Gemini Observatory, Telescopes

Ciotti, Joseph E.. Historical views on Mauna Kea: from the vantage points of Hawaiian culture and astronomical research. 2011. Database: Periodicals. Imiloa Astronomy Center, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Telescopes Mauna Kea controversy

Hiura, Arnold. Hoopono Mauna Kea. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Sacred sites, University of Hawaii at Hilo

n/a. In touch with the universe. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Swanner, Leandra. Instruments of Science or Conquest? Neocolonialism and Modern American Astronomy. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

n/a. Japanese newspaper clippings and magazine articles. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope, Mauna Kea Observatories

Tytell, David. Keck "Outriggers" face additional roadblocks. 2003. Database: Monographs. W.M. Keck Observatory, Outrigger Telescopes Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

University of Hawaii,. Land Authorizations for Long-Term Continuation of Astronomy on Maunakea - Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice (EISPN). 2018. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Mauna Kea Management Plan, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea Management, Land use Mauna Kea

Chaffee, Fred, Mountain, Matt. Laser beacons on Mauna Kea: background articles for the Board of the Office of Mauna Kea Management. 2002. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea management, Laser guide star adaptive optics

Pisciotta, Kealoha. Legislative testimony presented before the Senate Committee on Higher Education, March 30, 2010. 2010. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites, Testimony

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Akira Banchi from Mr. Akiyama September 17, 1998. 1998. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Letter to Ken Hirayama from Mr. Akiyama March 20, 2001. 2001. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Pisciotta, Kealoha, Mauna Kea Anaina Hou. Letter to the supporters of the sacred summit of Mauna Kea. 2008. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites

Aspaturian, Heidi. Life on Mauna Kea: the fascination of what's difficult. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Altitude influence of, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO)

Mann, Adam. Looking at a shared sky, through the lens of art. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

n/a. Man versus Mauna Kea. 1969. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, University of Hawaii 2.2 m Telescope, Astronomical observatories design and construction

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Mauna ikena newsletter of the University of Hawaii Telescopes on Mauna Kea. 1990. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea periodicals

Sodetani, Naomi. Mauna Kea. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Mauna Kea - an overview. 1974. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Observatory, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Bowman, Jesse. Mauna Kea – Above it all, game preserve, forest reserve or window on the stars. 1976. Database: Periodicals. Mull, Mae E., Land use Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Recreation areas Mauna Kea

Kelly, Jack. Mauna Kea – Temple under siege, a stunning new film of living history. 2004. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites

Cruikshank, Dale P., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy,. Mauna Kea : a guide to the upper slopes and observatories. 1986. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Natural history Mauna Kea, Astronomy Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea description and travel, Geology Mauna Kea

Boyd, Manu. Mauna Kea : moratorium on further development. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Mauna Kea environmental aspects, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Telescopes Mauna Kea controversy

Krisciunas, Kevin, Weisel, Dorian. Mauna Kea : pinnacle of the Pacific. 1999. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Waldrop, M. Mitchell. Mauna Kea (I): Halfway to space. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Kuiper, Gerard P., 1905-1973.

Waldrop, M.M.. Mauna Kea (II): coming of age. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Jefferies, John T., United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Furlong, Wesley. Mauna Kea Anaina Hou v. Board of Land and Natural Resources, 363 P.3d 224 (Haw. 2015). 2015. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Board of Land and Natural Resources, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Chun, Mark, Wilson, Richard, Avila, Remy, Butterley, Tim, Aviles, Jose-Luis. Mauna Kea ground-layer characterization campaign. 2009. Database: Periodicals. Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Seeing, Site survey

Cruikshank, Dale P., Plasch, Ginger, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy,. Mauna Kea Observatory. 1976. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Observatory, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea description and travel

Ho, Nelson. Mauna Kea Plan's defects mean long battles ahead. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Group 70 International,, University of Hawaii,. Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan : Draft #2, May 10, 1999. 1999. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis, Mauna Kea Advisory Committee

Gionson, T. Ilihia, Ka Wai Ola,. Mauna Kea selected by Thirty Meter Telescope board. 2009. Database: Monographs. Telescopes, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Lang, Leslie. Mauna Kea summitry. Sacred temple or window on the universe - or both?. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Kahea,. Mauna Kea talking points. 2006. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Outrigger Telescopes Project

n/a. Mauna Kea telescope to expand University's role. 1968. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, University of Hawaii 2.2 m Telescope

n/a. Mauna Kea testimonies. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites, Testimony, Public hearings

Flicker, Ralf. Mauna Kea turbulence statistics from the TMT MASS/DIMM and weather station at the 13 North site. 2006. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Site surveys, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy

Black, Noel.. Mauna Kea watching other worlds. 1980. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Lang, Leslie, Byrne, David A.. Mauna Kea, a guide to Hawaii's sacred mountain. 2005. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea description and travel, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Pluralism Project,. Mauna Kea, HI (Native Hawaiians) - Science and religion at 14,000 feet. 2009. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites

Godinet, Emily. Mauna Kea: buried epistemologies. 2001. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Brown, Marie Alohalani. Mauna Kea: Hoomana Hawaii and Protecting the Sacred. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Sacred sites

Miller, Steve. Mauna Kea: two cultures and the Imiloa Astronomy Center. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Imiloa Astronomy Center, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Cheimets, Peter. Memo #28: measurement of wind at Mauna Kea site. 1990. Database: Monographs. Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Winds Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

McNarie, Alan D.. Mercury on the mountain. 2004. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Hazardous wastes, Sewage, Mercury environmental aspects

Erasmus, D. Andre. Meteorological conditions affecting observing quality on Mauna Kea. 1986. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Meteorological data Mauna Kea

n/a. Mighty Mauna Kea the past, present and future of a sacred volcano. 2017. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea description and travel, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Lake Waiau, Travel

Kagawa, Bernadette. Mitsuo Akiyama. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Akiyama, Mitsuo, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Cherubini, T., Businger, S., Lyman, R., Chun, M.. Modeling optical turbulence and seeing over Mauna Kea. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Numerical simulations

Ho, Nelson. More light shed on the Mauna Kea controversy. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

n/a. More telescopes for Mauna Kea. 1972. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)

Hawaii State Office of Environmental Quality Control,. More telescopes on Mauna Kea. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Outrigger Telescope Project, W.M. Keck Observatory, Telescopes

Swanner, Leandra Altha. Mountains of controversy: narrative and the making of contested landscapes in postwar American astronomy. 2013. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Kitt Peak, Mount Graham, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Casumbal-Salazar, Iokepa (Joseph A. Salazar). Multicultural settler colonialism and indigenous struggle in Hawaii: the politics of astronomy on Mauna A Wakea. 2014. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Ciotti, Joseph E.. Museums and Planetariums: Bridging the Gap between Hawaiian Culture and Astronomy through Informal Education—A Case Study. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Imiloa Astronomy Center, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Telescopes Mauna Kea controversy

Ellis, Howard. My Mauna Kea connection. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Hawaii Island history

Wong, Sterling Kini. NASA releases draft EIS for Mauna Kea project. 2004. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea

Wong, Sterling Kini. NASA to go ahead with new Mauna Kea scopes. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Wong, Sterling Kini. NASA will do impact study on Mauna Kea. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on contact with "Weekly Post" magazine staff from October 30 to November 6, 1998. 1998. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on further contact with NHK staff and Weekly Post staff from December 2, 1998 to January 29, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on Sakae Tazaki and from January 11 to May 5, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope

Akiyama, Mitsuo. Notes on Subaru Telescope office in Hilo from February 9 to July 28, 1999. 1999. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Subaru Telescope

Herring, Alika. Observations of Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1966. Database: Periodicals. Astronomy, Site surveys, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Pang, Gordon Y.K.. Oh to gaze from telescope mountain. 1990. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, W.M. Keck Observatory

Sodetani, Naomi. OHA sues NASA, UH over Mauna Kea telescopes. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

Kodaira, Keiichi. Outline of the JNLT project. 1989. Database: Periodicals. Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Pan-STARRS Project Management System, Notice to Bidders/Offerors, RFP131013: A Design Study of a Common Enclosure on Mauna Kea to House the Four-Telescope Array Comprising the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS).. 2006. Database: EIS. Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). TMK 4-4-15:09, Summit of Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii. Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice [draft]. 2006. Database: EIS. Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis

Hawaii Public Works Division, Planning Branch. Part 2 : Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Mauna Kea Observatory Mid-Elevation Facility. 1974. Database: EIS. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Environmental impact analysis Mauna Kea, Hale Pohaku

Folger, Tim. Pathway to the stars: the narrow road up Mauna Kea leads to the deep sky. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

n/a. Photographs of Gerard Kuiper, Helene Hale, and Governor Burns at the Mauna Kea dedication ceremony July 1964. 1964. Database: Akiyama. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Program summary and research development plan for the Mauna Kea Science Reserve and related facilities. 1981. Database: EIS. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea planning, Mauna Kea Science Reserve

Jefferies, John T., Sinton, William M.. Progress at Mauna Kea Observatory. 1968. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history, Astronomical observatories design and construction, University of Hawaii 2.2 m Telescope, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute for Astronomy

Townscape, Inc.. Project description: Gemini 8-meter telescopes project. 1992. Database: EIS. Gemini Observatory, Environmental impact analysis, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Amano, Riki May. Proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision and order. 2017. Database: EIS. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Wainscoat, Richard. Protection of Hawaii's observatories from light pollution. 2007. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Haleakala, Light pollution

Goodyear-Kaopua, J. Noelani. Protectors of the future, not protestors of the past: indigenous Pacific activism and Mauna a Wakea. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Pisciotta, Kealoha, Mauna Kea Anaina Hou. Re: proposed Mauna Kea Management Plan, April 11, 2008 hearing and comments. 2008. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites, Mauna Kea Science Reserve management

Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources,. Report to the Twentieth Legislature, regular session of 1999: concerning progress made on implementing the auditor's recommendations of the management of Mauna Kea & the Mauna Kea Science Reserve. 1998. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Science Reserve management, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea management, Conservation of natural resources government policy Hawaii, Historic preservation, Mauna Kea planning, Mauna Kea

Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter. Response to HCR 314, regular session of 2006, report on long-term development of observatory sites on the summit of Mauna Kea. 2006. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea management, Mauna Kea Science Reserve management

Kahea,. Sacred summits, summit ecosystems, sacred landscape, timeline of events, legal protections, resources and documents. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Haleakala, Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

McFarling, Usha Lee. Science, culture clash over sacred mountain. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Outrigger Telescope Project

Stix, Gary. Seeking common ground. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Mount Graham International Observatory, Mauna Kea environmental aspects

Burns, Adam. Seeking first light. 2012. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Furumoto, A.S.. Seismic refraction study of the internal structure of a volcanic cinder cone. 1968. Database: Monographs. Geology Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Site surveys

Tytell, David. Sharing Mauna Kea. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Dames & Moore,, University of Hawaii,. Site investigation : planned stellar and planetary observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, for the University of Hawaii. 1966. 1966. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Observatory, Hydrology, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Site surveys, Soils vibration

Tummons, Patricia. Slow going in TMT contested case; hearings to continue into New Year, telescope opponents raise issues of religion, kingdom, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Quirk, Trevor. Sovereignty under the stars. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Tummons, Patricia. Stage is set for contested case 2.0 for TMT conservation district permit, TMT sublease remanded to BLNR, human remains placed on TMT access road. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Witty, Jim. Star gazers hit the big time on Mauna Kea. 1992. Database: Periodicals. W.M. Keck Observatory, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

West, Michael. Star wars: settling the fight over a telescope on a Hawaiian holy site. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Stapleton, Frankie. Star-struck Mauna Kea. 1997. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea description and travel, Stargazing

Businger, S., McLaren, R., Ogasawara, R., Simons, D., Wainscoat, R. J.. Starcasting. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes, Weather forcasting Mauna Kea

Hawaii Tribune-Herald,. Stars over Mauna Kea: Hawaii Island celebrates the International Year of Astronomy 2009. 2009. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes, Astronomy

Hawaii Tribune-Herald,. Stars over Mauna Kea: the evolution of astronomy on Hawaii's 'White Mountain'. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes, Astronomy

Hawaii Tribune-Herald,. Stars over Mauna Kea: the past, present and future of astronomy atop Hawaii's White Mountain. 2003. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes, Astronomy

Pisciotta, Kealoha. Submission by Kealoha Pisciotta to Dialogue Between Nations. 2002. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites

Lang, Leslie. Summer solstice: healing the white mountain. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Sacred sites, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Dolan, Elizabeth. Telescopes on Mauna Kea: Culture, history and astronomy (Student Paper). 2000. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea Science Reserve management

Tummons, Patricia. Tempers flare as TMT contested case closes out third month of hearings. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Mauna Kea Anaina Hou,, Royal Order of Kamehameha I.,. Testimony in opposition to the proposed UARC - Mauna Kea Anaina Hou and the Royal Order of Kamehameha I. 2006. Database: Monographs. Testimony, Telescopes Mauna Kea controversy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, University of Hawaii at Manoa Institute for Astronomy

Mauna Kea Anaina Hou,, Royal Order of Kamehameha I.,, Sierra Club, Hawaii Chapter, Ching, Clarence Kukauakahi. Testimony in opposition to the TMT project conservation district use application, the University of Hawaii and the Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation's conservation district use application (CDUA HA-3568). 2010. Database: Monographs. Testimony, Telescopes Mauna Kea controversy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Mauna Kea Anaina Hou,, Pisciotta, Kealoha. Testimony in support for the call to stop secret military research in our oceans and atop Mauna Kea, and the militarization of our school of higher learning. 2005. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Hereniko, Vilsoni, Schorch, Philipp. The Canoe, The Wind, And The Mountain: Shunting the “Rashomon Effect” of Mauna Kea. 2017. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Sacred sites

Marling, Jack. The incredible skies of Mauna Kea. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy, Photographs

Gustafson, John R.. The Keck Telescope : persistence and precision. 1993. Database: Periodicals. W.M. Keck Observatory, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes

Whitney, Scott. The light on white mountain. 1996. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Photographs

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Cherubini, T., Businger, S., Lyman, R.. The Mauna Kea Weather Center: a case for custom seeing forecasts. 2009. Database: Monographs. Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Numerical simulations

n/a. The mayor's view of things. 1979. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Ramones, Ikaika. The next generation of Oiwi activism: meet the young Hawaiian activists who are making a difference in the Islands. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Hawaiians politics and government

Kamelamela, Katie. The Protect Mauna Kea Movement: Since Before the Overthrow in 1893. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Hussey, Ikaika, Caron, Will, Cooper, Joshua, Lane, Ed. The rise of a new, global, indigenous left. 2017. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Environmental protection, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

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Berger, Eric. The world’s two most powerful telescopes are glorious—and vulnerable. 2017. Database: Monographs. W.M. Keck Observatory, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Greek, Dinah. Things are looking up. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Telescopes

Bishop, D. Hunter.. Things are looking up from the top of Mauna Kea. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Gemini Observatory

Pickles, Andrew. Timeline of astronomy in Hawaii. 2003. Database: Monographs. Astronomy Hawaii history, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea history

Tummons, Patricia. TMT contested case hearing costs state thousands per day, opponents present case as hearing enters fifth month. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy. Total solar eclipse over Hawaii, information bulletin IB-89-07 (May 1989) and 7 (revised February 1991). 1991. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Loomis, Ilima. Twinkle, twinkle: a new program offers Hawaii residents a close-up look at Mauna Kea telescopes. 2017. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Kamaaina Observatory Experience

Krisciunas, Kevin. Two astronomical centers of the world: Mauna Kea and La Palma. 1989. Database: Periodicals. Astronomy, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories Canary Islands

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Steele, Julia. View from the top. 2010. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomy research

Grossman, Hugh R., Young, Estelle. Visions of Mauna Kea. 2001. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea description and travel, Hawaii Island pictorial works

University of Hawaii,. Voices and visions of Mauna Kea : Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan and implementation process summary. March 2000.. 2000. Database: EIS. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Astronomical observatories environmental aspects, Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan

Bely, Pierre-Yves. Weather and seeing on Mauna Kea. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, Atmospheric turbulence Mauna Kea, Meteorological data Mauna Kea

Lafrance, Adrienne. What makes a volcano sacred? Astronomers and Native Hawaiian activists agree that Mauna Kea is a portal to the univrese, they just can't agree on how it should be used. 2015. Database: Periodicals. Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Loomis, Ilima. What's astronomy's future in Hawaii. 2016. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Fujii, Noelle. Who should manage and protect Mauna Kea?. 2018. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea management, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy

Shute, Nancy. Whose view of heaven?. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Outrigger Telescope Project, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

Pisciotta, Kealoha. Why Mauna Kea should be preserved and protected. 1999. Database: Monographs. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Sacred sites

Penisten, John. Window to the stars. 1989. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

Forster, Peter J.G.. Work at high altitude: a clinical and physiological study at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1983. Database: Monographs. Acute mountain sickness (AMS), Altitude influence of, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea, United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)

Forster, Peter J.G.. Working at high altitude. 1994. Database: Monographs. Acute mountain sickness (AMS), Altitude influence of, Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea

n/a. You can lead a horse to water. 1979. Database: Periodicals. Astronomical observatories Mauna Kea controversy, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), Kamuela

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