Search our Research Catalog - “Ants”
Your search for keywords “Ants” returned 104 results. You may search again below.
A list of mosses and vascular plants collected on Mauna Kea, August 1935. 1939. Database: Periodicals. Mosses, Ferns, Plants Mauna Kea, Scientific expeditions Mauna Kea
A mathematical approach to defining spatially recurring species groups in a montane rain forest on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1973. Database: Monographs. Rain forests Hawaii Island, Plants Hawaii Island, Vegetation boundaries Mauna Loa, Forest ecology Hawaii Island, Mauna Loa
A Maunakea o Kalani. 2006. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea, Hawaiian chants, Queen Emma
Alien and native plant response to release from feral sheep browsing on Mauna Kea. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Native plants, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Plant conservation Hawaii Island
Alien grass invasion and fire in the seasonal submontane zone of Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Alien plants, Alien plants ecology, Fire ecology, Alien plantsAlien plants ecologyFire ecology
Alteration of native Hawaiian vegetation : effects of humans, their activities and introductions. 1990. Database: Monographs. Nature effect of human beings on Hawaii Island, Plant ecology, Botany Hawaii ecology, Alien plants ecology, Introduced species
Analysis of fire history and management concerns at Pohakuloa Training Area. 2002. Database: Monographs. Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), Fire management, Military training camps environmental aspects Pohakuloa, Endangered species Hawaii Island, Rare plants Hawaii Island, Rare birds Hawaii Island
Anatomical variation of fibers in five genera of Hawaiian Urticaceae and its significance to ethnobotany. 1979. Database: Monographs. Urticaceae, Fiber plants, Fiberwork
Annual Performance Reports for the State of Hawaii, Section 6, Endangered Wildlife Program Grants, final and interim reports. 2006. Database: Monographs. Endangered species birds, Endangered plants
Ant invasions of mamane-naio forest at high elevations on Mauna Kea. 2011. Database: Monographs. Ants, Mamane-naio forest, Insect pests
Appendix I-III in Journal kept by David Douglas during his travels in North America 1823-1827. 1959. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Island, Hawaii description and travel, Mauna Kea description and travel, Douglas, David, 1799-1834
Appendix II. Extract from David Douglas Journal of a Subsequent Expedition in 1833-4. Which Journal was sent to his brother Mr. John Douglas. 1959. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Island, Hawaii description and travel, Mauna Kea description and travel, Douglas, David, 1799-1834
Argentine ant in Hawaii. 1941. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Argentine ant, Linepithema humile
Bait preference by the Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, Haleakala National Park, Invasive ants, Ants control
Biological control of lantana, prickly pear, and Hamakua pamakani inhawah: a review and update. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants control, Weeds control, Invasive plants, Beneficial insects
Botanical explorations in the Hawaiian Islands. 1917. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Islands, Mauna Kea photographs
Botanical survey of the Astronomy Precinct and 500-meter buffer zones on Mauna Kea. 2012. Database: EIS. Botanical surveying Mauna Kea, Lichen, Plants
Canavalia kauensis (Leguminosae), a new species from the Island of Hawaii. Hawaiian Plant Studies, 39. 1972. Database: Periodicals. Plants Hawaii Island
Chapter 11: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Hawaiian Islands bioregion. 2008. Database: Monographs. Fire management, Fire ecology, Invasive plants, Alien invasive species
Composition and origins of the world’s tropicalpine floras. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Plants migration, Tropical alpine habitat, Plants Mauna Kea
Compositional and functional stability of arthropod communities in the face of ant invasions. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Argentine ant, Ants
Control of Pennisetum Setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. in native Hawaiian dry upland ecosystems. 1997. Database: Monographs. Invasive species, Introduced species, Alien plants control, Grasses, Grassland ecology Hawaii Island
Cultural landscape report, making marginal land pay: 150 years of ranching at Keamuku, Waikoloa Ahupuaa, South Kohala District, Hawaii Island TMKs (3) 6-7-001:003, :041 por., :042, and :045. Draft final. 2016. Database: Monographs. Ranching Hawaii, Cattle, Sheep, Keamuku Sheep Station, Plants Hawaii Island, Cultural property, Natural resources
Current and potential ant impacts in the Pacific region. 2007. Database: Periodicals. Invasive ants, Ants ecology
David Douglas, botanist at Hawaii. 1919. Database: Monographs. Douglas, David, 1799-1834, Plants, Volcanoes, Hawaii biography
Direct sowing of treated mamane seeds: an ineffective regeneration technique. 1978. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Mamane-naio forest, Plants reproduction
Distribution and germination of mamane seeds. 1982. Database: Monographs. Plants
Distribution and impact of alien ants in vulnerable Hawaiian ecosystems. 1993. Database: Monographs. Ants, Insect pests, Ants ecology, Ants control, Nonindigenous pests
Distribution and status of Vicia menziesii Spreng. (Leguminosae): Hawaii's first officially listed endangered plant species. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Hawaiian vetch
Distribution of ant species of Hawaii. 1968. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Ants ecology
Distribution of six alien plant species in upland habitats on the island of Hawaii. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants ecology, Plant invasions, Plants Hawaii Island
Diurnal changes in epidermal UV transmittance of plants in naturally high UV environments. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Plants Mauna Kea, Verbascum thapsus, Mullein, Oenothera stricta, Chilean Evening Primrose
Draft recovery plan for the Kau silversword (Argyroxiphium kauense). 1996. Database: Monographs. Silverswords, Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Rare plants Hawaii Island, Plant conservation Hawaii Island, Kau silversword, Argyroxiphium kauense, Mauna Loa
E Hoi ka Nani i Mana. 2006. Database: Monographs. Queen Emma, Hawaiian chants, Mauna Kea
Ecology of the silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC. (Compositae), Haleakala Crater, Hawaii. 1973. Database: Monographs. Silverswords, Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC, Plants Maui, Haleakala National Park
Effects of non-native grasses on a dry subalpine forest native to Hawaii and a discussion of effects of canopy on understory productivity. 1994. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Grasses, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Subalpine forests
Effects of the Argentine ant on arthropod fauna of Hawaiian high-elevation shrubland. 1992. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, Haleakala National Park
Efficacy of Maxforce bait for control of the Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, Haleakala National Park, Invasive ants, Ants control
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, endangered status for 12 plants from the Hawaiian Islands. Fed. Reg. 56333-56351 . 1994. Database: Monographs. Endangered species, Endangered plants, Endangered species Law and legislation United States
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of critical habitat for six endangered species. 1977. Database: Monographs. Endangered species, Endangered plants, Palila, Psittirostra bailleui, Mauna Kea Forest Reserve
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed endangered status for thirteen plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register, 60, 49377-49392. 1995. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Plant conservation Hawaii Island
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions; proposed rule. 2011. Database: Monographs. Endangered species, Endangered plants, Wekiu bug
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; Review of native species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; Annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; Annual description of progress on listing actions. 2006. Database: Monographs. Endangered species, Endangered plants, Wekiu bug
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered or threatened status for 21 plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register 59 10305-10325. 1994. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants, Endangered species
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered status for Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense ('ahinahina or Mauna Kea silversword). 1986. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants, Silverswords Mauna Kea, Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense, Endangered species Law and legislation United States
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered status for thirteen plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register, 61, 53137-53153. 1996. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Plant conservation Hawaii Island
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: proposed endangered status for Argyroxiphium sandwicense var. sandwicense ('ahinahina or Mauna Kea silversword). 1985. Database: Monographs. Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Ahinahina, Silverswords Mauna Kea, Endangered plants
Facilitating adaptation in montane plants to changing precipitation along an elevation gradient. 2017. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea Forest Reserve, Plants Mauna Kea, Climate change, Aina Mauna Legacy Program, Acacia koa, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Myoporum sandwicense
Field guide to rare and unusual plants on the Island of Hawaii. 2004. Database: Monographs. Rare plants Hawaii Island, Climate, Hawaii Island ecology, Endangered plants Hawaii Island
Final recovery plan for four species of Hawaiian ferns. 1998. Database: Monographs. Ferns, Endangered plants, Plant conservation, Rare plants, Alien plants
Fire and alien plants in Hawaii: research and management implications for native ecosystems. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Alien plants control, Plant invasions, Alien plants ecology, Plant introduction, Invasive plants, Invasive plants control, Invasive plants ecology
Fragmentation and genetic differentiation among subpopulations of the endangered Hawaiian mint Haplostachys haplostachya (Lamiaceae). 1999. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian mints, Endangered plants, Genetics
Genecological studies of Hawaiian ferns: reproductive biology of pioneer and non-pioneer species on the island of Hawaii. 1974. Database: Monographs. Ferns, Plants Hawaii Island, Ferns Hawaii Island, Ferns spores, Plants reproduction
Germination of Sophora seeds after prolonged storage. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Legumes, Fabaceae, Sophora, Seed storage, Germination, Dormancy, Plants New Zealand
Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. 1998. Database: Monographs. Ecology Hawaii Islands, Pacific Islands, Invasive species, Ecosystem development, Animals, Plants, Natural resources
Introduced species in Hawaii, Hymenoptera: Formicidae (Senior Seminar 2002, Earlham College). 2002. Database: Monographs. Argentine ant, Introduced species, Hymenoptera, Ants
Introduction and establishment of the biological control agent Apion ulicis (Forster) (Coleoptera: Apionidae) for control of the weed Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) in Hawaii. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Gorse, Invasive plants control, Introduced species, Insects
Linepithema humile (Mayr) Common name: Argentine ant. 2004. Database: Monographs. Ants
Long-term response of the mamane forest to feral herbivore management on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2012. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Alien plants, Palila
Mauna Kea ant survey. 2007. Database: Monographs. Ants, Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea lele. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian chants, Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea; from Wakea - Ancestor of the First People of This Land. 2005. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian chants
Maunakea. 2006. Database: Monographs. Queen Emma, Hawaiian chants, Mauna Kea
Maunakea invasive species management plan. 2015. Database: EIS. Mauna Kea Management Plan, Invasive ants
Mouflon sheep and rare plants on the island of Hawaii, with an analysis of state ungulate management. 2013. Database: Monographs. Feral ungulates, Mouflon, Hunting, Invasive species, Rare plants, Environmental policy Hawaii Island
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): the Spread and Adaptation of a Temperate Weed in the Montane Tropics . 1992. Database: Monographs. Mullein, Verbascum thapsus, Weeds, Alien plants, Introduced species, Morphology
Newly emergent and future threats of alien species to Pacific birds and ecosystems. 2001. Database: Monographs. Invasive species, Alien species control, Snakes, Birds extinction, Invasive ants, Biological invasions
Nonindigenous ants at high elevations on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Linepithema humile, Argentine ant, Mauna Kea
Noxious plants of the Hawaiian ranges. 1981. Database: Monographs. Weeds, Weeds control, Range plants
Observations on the life history of the endangered Hawaiian vetch (Vicia menziesii) (Fabaceae) and its use by birds. 1980. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian vetch, Rare plants
Pacific ant prevention plan. 2004. Database: Monographs. Invasive ants, Ants control
Patterns and prediction of European weed invasions along a tropical to alpine environmental gradient in Hawaii, research project. 2007. Database: Monographs. Invasive plants, Invasive plants control, Weeds control Hawaii Island, Microclimates
Phenology and growth of Hawaiian plants, a preliminary report. 1973. Database: Monographs. Plants, Plant phenology, Sophora chrysophylla, Acacia koa
Pictorial key of the ants of Hawaii based on the worker forms. 1968. Database: Periodicals. Ants
Plant communities of Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii. 1997. Database: Monographs. Plant communities Hawaii Island, Plants Hawaii Island, Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)
Plant-pollinator interactions in Hawaii: Pollination energetics of Metrosideros Collina (Myrtaceae). 1976. Database: Periodicals. Metrosideros collina, Competition, Drepanidinae, Forests and forestry, Myrtaceae, Plants reproduction, Pollination
Pollination energetics and foraging strategies in a Metrosideros-honeycreeper association. 1975. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros collina, Fertilization of plants, Birds Hawaii Island, Trees Hawaii Island
Rare and endangered species of Hawaiian vascular plants. 1975. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants, Rare plants
Rare plants of Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii. 1997. Database: Monographs. Rare plants Hawaii Island, Plants Hawaii Island, Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)
Recovery plan for multi-island plants. 1999. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Islands, Plant conservation
Recovery plan for the Kau silversword (Argyroxiphium kauense). 1996. Database: Monographs. Endangered plants Hawaii Island, Rare plants Hawaii Island, Plant conservation Hawaii Island
Recovery plan for the Mauna Kea Silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense). 1994. Database: Monographs. Silverswords Mauna Kea, Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Endangered plants
Response of Metrosideros Polymorpha seedlings to experimental canopy opening. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Acclimation, Canopy opening, Experimental ecology, Habitat ecology modification, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros polymorpha, Microclimates, Ohia dieback, Shade tolerant plants, Survival analysis biometry, Tropical rain forests
Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawaii. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Fraxinus uhdei, Tropical ash, Acacia koa, Forests and forestry research, Invasive plants, Introduced species
Revised list of Hawaiian ants. 1934. Database: Monographs. Hymenoptera, Ants
Roadside plant communities on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Plant communities Hawaii Island, Introduced plants
Shade adaptation of the Hawaiian tree-fern (Cibotium glaucum (Sm.) H. & A.). 1974. Database: Monographs. Ferns, Cibotium glaucum, Plants
Stand structure of a montane rain forest on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1974. Database: Monographs. Rain forests Hawaii Island, Plants Hawaii Island, Forest ecology Hawaii Island, Mauna Loa, Acacia koa
Status and Distribution of Ants in the Crater District of Haleakala National Park. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, Haleakala National Park
Survey of invasive ants at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. 2011. Database: Monographs. Ants, Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Invasive ants
Synoptic list of ants reported from the Hawaiian Islands. 1911. Database: Monographs. Ants
The effect of alien predatory ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on Hawaiian endemic spiders (Araneae: Tetragnathidae). 1993. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Alien species
The first collection of Hawaiian plants by David Nelson in 1779. Hawaiian Plant Studies, 55. 1978. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian plants, Plant communities Hawaii Island
"The Great Central Plain", "The Upper Forest Region", "Sophora L." . 1913. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Island, Ohia, Acacia koa, Ahinahina, Silverswords, Plants Mauna Kea, Plants Mauna Loa
The Haleakala Argentine ant project: a synthesis of past research and prospects for the future. 2011. Database: Monographs. Argentine ant, Haleakala National Park, Ants control
The plant ecology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1940. Database: Periodicals. Plant ecology Mauna Kea, Plants Mauna Kea
The role of abiotic conditions in shaping the long-term patterns of a high-elevation Argentine ant invasion. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Argentine ant, Invasive ants, Insects alpine climate
Trail-laying behavior during exploratory recruitment in the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis (mayr). 1989. Database: Periodicals. Ants, Argentine ant, Linepithema humile
Upper limits of vegetation on Mauna Loa, Hawaiʻi. 1959. Database: Periodicals. Vegetation mapping Mauna Loa, Vegetation mapping Mauna Kea, Plants Mauna Kea, Plants Mauna Loa, Plants Mauna KeaPlants Mauna LoaVegetation mapping Mauna KeaVegetation mapping Mauna Loa
Vegetation maps of the upland plant communities on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, and Lanai. 1989. Database: Monographs. Plants Hawaii Island, Plants Maui, Plants Molokai, Plants Lanai
Vegetation of Lake Waiau, Hawaii. 1939. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Diatoms Lake Waiau, Plants Mauna Kea
Vegetation zones of Hawaii. 1942. Database: Monographs. Grasses, Forage plants, Crops and climate, Crop zones, Plant ecology
Volcanic emissions injury to plant foliage. 2008. Database: Monographs. Volcanic ash, tuff, etc., Volcanic hazards, Kilauea Volcano, Plants Hawaii Island, Plant diseases
Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients. 2002. Database: Periodicals. Altitude mountain sickness (AMS), Acute mountain sickness (AMS), Altitude hypoxia, Exercise, Free radicals, Stress physiology, Antioxidants
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