UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Search our Research Catalog - “Alien plants”

Your search for keywords “Alien plants” returned 11 results. You may search again below.

Scowcroft, Paul G., Conrad, C. Eugene. Alien and native plant response to release from feral sheep browsing on Mauna Kea. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Native plants, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Plant conservation Hawaii Island

Hughes, Flint, Vitousek, Peter M., Tunison, Timothy.. Alien grass invasion and fire in the seasonal submontane zone of Hawaii. 1991. Database: Periodicals. Alien plants, Alien plants ecology, Fire ecology, Alien plantsAlien plants ecologyFire ecology

Cuddihy, Linda W., Stone, Charles P., Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit Hawaii,. Alteration of native Hawaiian vegetation : effects of humans, their activities and introductions. 1990. Database: Monographs. Nature effect of human beings on Hawaii Island, Plant ecology, Botany Hawaii ecology, Alien plants ecology, Introduced species

Davis, Clifton J., Yoshioka, Ernest, Kageler, Dina. Biological control of lantana, prickly pear, and Hamakua pamakani inhawah: a review and update. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants control, Weeds control, Invasive plants, Beneficial insects

Castillo, J. Michael. Control of Pennisetum Setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. in native Hawaiian dry upland ecosystems. 1997. Database: Monographs. Invasive species, Introduced species, Alien plants control, Grasses, Grassland ecology Hawaii Island

Jacobi, James D., Warshauer, Fredrick R.. Distribution of six alien plant species in upland habitats on the island of Hawaii. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants ecology, Plant invasions, Plants Hawaii Island

Williams, Ann C.. Effects of non-native grasses on a dry subalpine forest native to Hawaii and a discussion of effects of canopy on understory productivity. 1994. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Grasses, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Subalpine forests

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,. Final recovery plan for four species of Hawaiian ferns. 1998. Database: Monographs. Ferns, Endangered plants, Plant conservation, Rare plants, Alien plants

Smith, Clifford W., Tunison, J. Timothy. Fire and alien plants in Hawaii: research and management implications for native ecosystems. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Alien plants control, Plant invasions, Alien plants ecology, Plant introduction, Invasive plants, Invasive plants control, Invasive plants ecology

Reddy, E., van Vuren, D. H., Scowcroft, Paul G., Kauffman, J. B., Perry, L.. Long-term response of the mamane forest to feral herbivore management on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2012. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Alien plants, Palila

Juvik, James O., Juvik, Sonia P.. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): the Spread and Adaptation of a Temperate Weed in the Montane Tropics . 1992. Database: Monographs. Mullein, Verbascum thapsus, Weeds, Alien plants, Introduced species, Morphology

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