Search our Research Catalog - “Woodcock, Alfred H.”
Your search for author “Woodcock, Alfred H.” returned 6 results. You may search again below.
Deep layer of sediments in alpine lake in the tropical mid-Pacific. 1966. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Lake sediments
Hawaiian alpine lake level, rainfall trends, and spring flow. 1980. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Drought
Hypereutrophication of an Hawaiian alpine lake. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Lake Waiau, Lake sediments
Mountain breathing revisited – the hyperventilation of a volcano cinder cone. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Winds Mauna Kea, Alpine permafrost
Mountain breathing: preliminary studies of air-land interaction on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1980. Database: Monographs. Orographic airflow, Weather forcasting Mauna Kea
Permafrost and climatology of a Hawaii volcano crater. 1974. Database: Periodicals. Alpine permafrost, Mauna Kea volcano, Microclimates
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