Search our Research Catalog - “Scowcroft, Paul G.”
Your search for author “Scowcroft, Paul G.” returned 20 results. You may search again below.
Alien and native plant response to release from feral sheep browsing on Mauna Kea. 1992. Database: Monographs. Alien plants, Native plants, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Plant conservation Hawaii Island
Decomposition of Metrosideros polymorpha leaf litter along elevational gradients in Hawaii. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Metrosideros polymorpha, Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island
Direct sowing of treated mamane seeds: an ineffective regeneration technique. 1978. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Mamane-naio forest, Plants reproduction
Distribution and germination of mamane seeds. 1982. Database: Monographs. Plants
Disturbance during logging stimulates regeneration of koa. 1976. Database: Monographs. Acacia koa, Natural regeneration, Surface disturbances
Evaluating the Long-Term Management of Introduced Ungulates to Protect the Palila, an Endangered Bird, and Its Critical Habitat in Subalpine Forest of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2014. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Feral ungulates, Alien species control, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla, Birds habitat Hawaii Island
Feral herbivores suppress mamane and other browse species on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Feral ungulates, Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Fences Mauna Kea
Fine litterfall and leaf decomposition in a montane koa-ohia rain forest. 1986. Database: Monographs. Biology congresses, Natural history congresses, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park congresses, Ecology, Acacia koa
Germination of Sophora chrysophylla increased by presowing treatment. 1978. Database: Monographs. Sophora chrysophylla, Mamane
Impact of feral herbivores on mamane forests of Mauna Kea, Hawaii: bark stripping and diameter class structure. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Palila, Feral ungulates
Long-term response of the mamane forest to feral herbivore management on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 2012. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Alien plants, Palila
Mamane forest decline on Mauna Kea: a reality or myth. 1976. Database: Monographs. Mamane, Mamane-naio forest, Mauna Kea
Moderating night radiative cooling reduces frost damage to Metrosideros polymorpha seedlings used for forest restoration in Hawaii. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Acacia koa, El Nino, Reforestation, Frost damage, Nurse tree
Potential significance of frost, topographic relief, and acacia koa stands to restoration of mesic Hawaiian forests on abandoned rangeland. 1999. Database: Periodicals. Reforestation, Acacia koa, Montane tropical forest, Nurse crop, Frost damage
Recovery of goat-damaged vegetation in an insular tropical montane forest. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Feral goats, Island ecology, Koa, Montane tropical forest
Regeneration of mamane: effects of seedcoat treatment and sowing depth. 1981. Database: Periodicals. Sowing, Mamane, Sophora chrysophylla
Reproduction of Acacia koa after fire. 1976. Database: Periodicals. Koa, Acacia koa, Wildfires, Fire Ecology
Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawaii. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Fraxinus uhdei, Tropical ash, Acacia koa, Forests and forestry research, Invasive plants, Introduced species
Restoring critical habitat for Hawaii's endangered palila by reducing ungulate populations. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Palila, Loxioides bailleui, Endangered species birds, Feral sheep control Mauna Kea, Mamane, Birds habitat
Tree cover changes in Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) forests grazed by sheep and cattle. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Mamane, Sophora Chrysophylla, Feral ungulates, Palila, Mauna Kea Forest Reserve, Kaohe Game Management Area
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