Search our Research Catalog - “Preston, E. D.”
Your search for author “Preston, E. D.” returned 4 results. You may search again below.
Determinations of latitude, gravity, and the magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian Islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Appendix no. 12 -- report for 1893. 1894. Database: Monographs. Basalt Mauna Kea, Geodesy, Mauna Kea description and travel, Lake Waiau, Photographs
Diurnal range of temperatures. 1900. Database: Periodicals. Temperature, Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea
Gravity determinations at the Sandwich Islands. 1893. Database: Periodicals. Gravity Mauna Kea, Geology Mauna Kea
On the deflection of the plumb-line and variations of gravity in the Hawaiian Islands. 1888. Database: Periodicals. Gravity Mauna Kea, Geology Hawaii Island
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