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Search our Research Catalog - “Mueller-Dombois, Dieter”

Your search for author “Mueller-Dombois, Dieter” returned 24 results. You may search again below.

Akashi, Yoshiko, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. A landscape perspective of the Hawaiian rain forest dieback. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Ohia-lehua diseases and pests, Ohia dieback, Metrosideros polymorpha

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Canopy dieback and dynamic processes in Pacific forests: Concluding synthesis. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Forest ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Canopy dieback and dynamic processes in Pacific forests: Introductory statement. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Forest ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Canopy dieback and ecosystem processes in the Pacific area. 1988. Database: Monographs. Canopy dieback, Ohia dieback, Metrosideros polymorpha, Ecosystem management

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Canopy dieback and successional processes in Pacific forests. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Ohia dieback, Metrosideros polymorpha, Ecosystem management

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Canopy dieback in indigenous forests of Pacific Islands: Hawaii, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. 1982. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Ohia dieback, Metrosideros polymorpha, Ecosystem management

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Ecological relations in the alpine and subalpine vegetation on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1967. Database: Periodicals. Vegetation mapping Mauna Loa, Ecology Hawaii Island

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Forest dynamics in Hawaii. 1987. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Forest ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter, U.S. International Biological Program,, Island Ecosystems IRP,. Integrated island ecosystem ecology in Hawaii : introductory survey. 1975. Database: Monographs. Island ecology, Ecology

Balakrishinan, Nadarajah, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Nutrient studies in relation to habitat types and canopy dieback in the montane rain forest ecosystem, island of Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Metrosideros polymorpha, Canopy dieback, Soils analysis

Jacobi, James D., Gerrish, Grant, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Ohia dieback in Hawaii: vegetation changes in permanent plots. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Ohia-lehua diseases and pests, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Metrosideros polymorpha

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter, Jacobi, James D.. Ohia rain forest study : ecological investigations of the ohia dieback problem in Hawaii. 1981. Database: Monographs. Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Hawaii Island ecology, Ohia-lehua ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Ohia rain forest study: third progress report. 1976. Database: Monographs. Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Hawaii Island ecology, Ohia-lehua ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Pacific island forests: successionally impoverished and now threatened to be overgrown by aliens?. 2008. Database: Periodicals. Alien invasive species, Ecology

Cordell, S., Goldstein, G., Mueller-Dombois, Dieter, Webb, D., Vitousek, Peter M.. Physiological and morphological variation in metrosideros polymorpha, a dominant Hawaiian tree species, along an altitudinal gradient: the role of phenotypic plasticity. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Metrosideros polymorpha, Ohia-lehua, Phenotypic plasticity, Photosynthesis, Carbon isotope ratios, Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency

Burton, Philip J., Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Response of Metrosideros Polymorpha seedlings to experimental canopy opening. 1984. Database: Periodicals. Acclimation, Canopy opening, Experimental ecology, Habitat ecology modification, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros polymorpha, Microclimates, Ohia dieback, Shade tolerant plants, Survival analysis biometry, Tropical rain forests

Vitousek, Peter M., Van Cleve, Keith, Balakrishnan, Nedarajah, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Soil development and nitrogen turnover in montane rainforest soils on Hawaii. 1983. Database: Periodicals.

Jacobi, James D., Gerrish, Grant, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Stand-level dieback and Metrosideros regeneration in the montane rain forest of Hawaii. 1988. Database: Periodicals. Ohia-lehua, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Metrosideros polymorpha, Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Stand-level dieback in New Zealand forests and the theory of cohort senescence. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Canopy dieback, Forest ecology

Spatz, G., Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. Succession patterns after pig digging in grassland communities on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. 1972. Database: Monographs. Grassland ecology Hawaii Island, Plant succession, Feral swine ecology Hawaii Island, Mauna Loa, Plant succession Mauna Loa

Spatz, G., Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. The influence of feral goats on koa (Acacia koa Gray) reproduction in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. 1972. Database: Monographs. Koa, Goats, Volcanoes, Koa Hawaii Island, Goats Hawaii Island

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. The Mosaic theory and the spatial dynamics of natural dieback and regeneration in Pacific forests. 1991. Database: Monographs. Ecology congresses, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros polymorpha

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter. The ohia dieback phenomenon in the Hawaiian rain forest. 1980. Database: Monographs. Rain forest ecology Hawaii Island, Ohia dieback Hawaii Island, Ohia-lehua, Hawaii Island ecology, Ohia-lehua ecology

Mueller-Dombois, Dieter, Canfield, Joan E., Holt, R. Alan, Buelow, Gary P.. Tree-group death in North American and Hawaiian forests: a pathological problem or a new problem for vegetation ecology?. 1983. Database: Periodicals. Montane tropical forest, Canopy dieback, Forest ecology

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